In Memory

Susan Clark

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06/17/15 12:21 PM #1    

Beth Hill (Cox)

Susan Clarke was my first best friend and my life forever changed the day that I received the phone call in 2005 that she was gone.  Memories of us growing up together at Salk, Byrd, Memorial and OSU came flooding back as I planned to go to her funeral.  She left behind two children, Forrest and Paige, who have been raised so unselfishly by Susan's parents and her family.  They are both beautiful and I know that Susan would be so proud and amazed by her legacy in them. 

Susan would have LOVED Facebook!  I know that she would have re-connected with many of you and would have reached out with her friendly personality to those that she was too shy to get to know in high school.  She was in a serious relationship with another Memorial graduate and was about to start the happy life that she truly deserved.  I am so grateful for the weekend that we spent together during our 20th high school reunion - it will always hold a special place in my heart because I could see how content she was.  It was also the last time I could hug her sweet neck. 

I will be keeping you all close to my heart this weekend as you celebrate 30 years of friendships.  I am so sorry to miss the reunion but my baby girl is turning 13 this weekend and my duties as a mom trump (but barely!) my choice to be there with you.  I am so looking forward to the many pictures that I know will be posted.  :)

Hugs to you all! xo

06/18/15 12:55 PM #2    

Stephanie Holtz (Adams)

Beth, what a beautiful tribute. Thank you for sharing it. While we ran in different circles, I remember you two as being  inseparable. Losing a best friend is so difficult. It was very difficult when Maria Kirkland died in 1986. Thinking of you!

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