In Memory

John Lorenzo

Deceased Classmate: John Lorenzo
Date Deceased: ?-?-2007 or 08
Age at Death: 46 or 47
Cause of Death: ?
Classmate City: Ceres or Keyes
Classmate State: CA
Classmate Country: USA
Survived By: Wife, children, and some brothers that went to THS

I read his obituary last year or year before in the Modesto Bee. I played football with John and he was a good friend. Hadn't seen him since graduation. He used to to call me "Marson My Son" When the obit listed his age, town, and his brothers names, I knew it was him. RIP
From John Marson

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01/28/09 10:53 PM #1    

Ron Stice

Big John: The anchor of our senior year championship football team. You could always count on John for a laugh. His sense of humor was as big as he was. The line we used to laugh at together from Happy Days. One more time for you John: "Let the pigeons loose!" RIP

Ron Stice

08/12/09 08:09 PM #2    

Louis Strasser

John was a dear friend. I had so many good memories of all the fun times we had together; especially during football. John was a kind and gentle giant. I know he is with our Lord now laughing and enjoying the life we all are destined to be one day. God bless John Lorenzo
Louie Strasser

09/07/19 01:28 PM #3    

Brian La Follette

I went to Chatom grade school for a couple of years with John. I remember clearly that John was a quiet guy with a great sense of humor, but on certain things he had a very strong opinion. In 7th or 8th grade our english teacher Mrs. Bryan, spent most of the afternoon wearing a kimono and speaking in broken pidgeon english (very un-PC in todays world), as she tried to teach us about Haiku writing. We all had to compose and then read our own haiku. At John's turn, he was silent, and teach could not get him to speak. She got so angry sho broke character. Finally John said "I'm not gonna read no damn haiku!!". We all thought lightning was going to strike or something! John explained calmly how his grandfather had fought the Japanese in WWII and he did not want to participate. Whether you agreed with his stance or not, it took courage to stick by his convictions. Don't misunderstand - I agree John was a gentle giant and he was alway friendly to me - a nerdly chubby kid- and I don't think his stand was based on a racist sentiment-he didn't want to hurt anybody-but he knew what happened to his grandfather did not allow his emotional participation in this assignment and he'd rather be punished, so he headed off to see the principle! Rest in peace John.

Brian LaFollette

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