In Memory

Eric Watts

Eric Watts

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01/29/09 11:51 AM #1    

Robin Snelling (Hill)

Those of us lucky enough to be part of Eric's short life will never... ever...forgot how he always had time to give you a ride home after school or the great times we had in the back of his van! He was just an awesome human being and I feel very lucky to have known and been friends with him. I still have his senior picture. I know I will never forget you! We love you Eric!!!

02/16/09 08:27 AM #2    

Tracy Watts (Knopf)

Eric and I were born hours apart at Community Hospital in Turlock, 1961. We were cousins.
I remember many summer swim parties together with Eric, Danette, Amy, and Michael. If we weren't together on our birthday, mine was the 17th his was the 18th, Eric would always call to say Happy Birthday.
Eric was mischievous, adventurous, and FEARLESS. We had a 3 story tree house and I remember Eric jumping out of it with an open umbrella like Mary Poppins. He always bounced right back.
We celebrated our eighth grade graduation together, and had big Christmas parties with all of the cousins.
In High School Eric became a motorcycle racing champion. He couldn't be beat, and had dozens of trophies.
We have a very large family, aunt & uncles, and many cousins. It was very hard on our extended family to lose Eric. I remember my aunt saying, "I'm going to tell you I love you every time I see you!". It's a good policy.
If Eric were here today, I'll bet he would be a pilot or an extreme skier, or maybe a sports caster. I would love to hear his laugh again.
Tracy Watts Knopf

08/12/09 10:11 PM #3    

John Marson

I played on the Turlock National All-Star Little League team with Eric and he was a good friend. Man could he ride motorcross! Our senior year wasn't quite the same after we lost him in that tragic accident. The year before when we were juniors, Coach Pedretti named me as one of the winter baseball coaches, so myself and one other senior got to pick our team. My FIRST PICK WAS ERIC WATTS. I had played baseball with him and against him and I loved his hustle, winning "can-do" attitude, aggressiveness and "team first" ideals, so I wanted him on my team! I miss you my friend. RIP, John Marson

06/08/10 11:36 AM #4    

Louis Deniz

Eric Watts! What a strong spirit this young man had. He was one of my hero's to be honest. The second shortest guy on the football team next to Able Mota. Fast and played with all his heart and soul and you didnt want to make him mad. He could scrap with the best of them. His talent on a motorcycle was amazing. And he partied like a rock star. Only visited his house once but was welcomed as a friend. Eric my man you left too soon. Thanks for sharing the idea of never giving up and always going after your dreams.

Louie Deniz


03/20/14 05:45 PM #5    

Sheri Soderquist (LaCross)

 Eric & I were born exactly the same day...our mom's were in the hospital together in the same those days (Aug 18,1961) they put two women in the same room (at the old Emanuel Hopital) I didn't realize that Tracey Watts was in there also...small world!!  Anyway, I can say I've known Eric his whole life, as short as it was...really awful to have it cut so short...too sad...

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