In Memory

Jane Voce (Townsend)

Jane Voce (Townsend)

Jane Townsend - Allen Memorial

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12/04/23 09:52 PM #1    

Steve McReynolds

Rest in peace, Jane Carol Voce Townsend.

12/05/23 10:08 AM #2    

John Bruce Romano

I was so sorry to hear of Jane's passing. I have not seen Jane in many years but remember what a great person she was from school fdays and when her and my childhood friend Rob Bevins were married. Rest in peace Jane you will be missed by the many, many people you helped for many years.

12/05/23 02:03 PM #3    

Michael Dyer

Rest in Peace Jane Voce Bevins Townsend! You were a lovely classmate and friend. Your first husband Bob and I attended grammar school, high school  and college together. Your devotion to nursing is shown by your service til age 76. May Eternal Rest Grant Unto You and May Perpetual Light Shine Upon you and May Your Soul and the Souls of All the Faithful Departed Through the Mercy of God Rest in Peace! Amen!

12/06/23 04:19 PM #4    

Anne Owen (Mikalajunas)

So very sorry to hear of janes passing.  RIP my friend.  Love to Jack and the family.  Prayers for all.

12/06/23 05:23 PM #5    

Barbara Burgmaier (McGovern)

My sympathy to her family and friends and all those she loved and helped and were touched by her kindness.

12/07/23 02:34 PM #6    

Karen Kunkel (Moldt)

lOne of the best of us.  Glad that Jane is a well remembered part of my school years!  With two great husbands, Bob and Jack and a close family, she accomplished so much.  Her path through life intersects in interesting ways with many of us.  Perhaps those years prepared us for more than college or a good job!  Proud of her choices and the good she did throughout her life!  So glad that I got to know her and will continue to remember her and her grieviing family.


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