In Memory

Juan Babini

Juan BabiniJuan died tragically in a motorcycle accident at age 28 on April 23, 1988. He left behind his wife and our classmate Linda Oldaker Babini and their young sons.
Juan's oldest son, Nathaniel, who is now 28 years old, is planning to come to the 30th reunion with Linda so he can meet some people who knew his dad.
We remember Juan among other things as the athlete that we always wanted on our team, a fun loving friend that knew when to be serious, and an all round great person to know. He left us way too soon.

Please add your memories of Juan by posting a message below.

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05/22/08 03:54 AM #1    

Murray Cahen

To Nathaniel, Wow, do I remember your father!!! We played on the Eric Hamber Soccer Teams for parts of our Freshman, Sophmore and Junior years. In our Senior year-grade 12- Juan was a Varsity Star-I'm sure he was playing mostly on the #1 Varsity Team most of the time in Grade 11 and full time in grade 12.
Juan was an amazing soccer player. Yet, I really remember him as being a wonderful guy. I remember that the only one who did not acknowledge that he was the the most gifted and talented athlete on all of our Hamber Soccer Teams from 1975-1978 was Juan himself!!! His athletic gifts, his great nature and his smile spoke for him. He was a super guy!!
Fondly, Murray Cahen (Goalie on the Sophmore and Junior teams)

06/02/08 03:43 PM #2    

Nada Vuksic

Hey Nathaniel! I also have many fond memories of your Dad - I am trying to recall him without a smile on his face - but am completely unable to!!! He was a happy, positive guy who was also an incredible athlete. We did musical theatre together too - but I seem to recall that his soccer playing outshone his singing....shortly before our 10th reunion, Susanna Trasolini and I were calling people to remind them of the dates and to send in their payment. We had the heartbreaking experience of phoning your Dad's parents the morning of his accident. I will never forget that moment - but I was pleased to see your Mom at the reunion a couple of months later - and I met you as well at the picnic on the Sunday of that weekend...I am honoured to say that I considered your Dad a friend.
Best regards
Nada Vuksic

06/06/08 06:37 PM #3    

Paul Harvalias

Hi Nathaniel,
Juan and I met on a soccer field even before we met again at Hamber in grade 8. We weren't too often apart through those 5 years and after graduation. You have already read from others what a great athlete your dad was and that is true. What should also bring a smile to you is the fact your Dad was full of life and loved to laugh. He was quick to share the laugh even when it was at his expense. I remember once I was in a car in front of your dad and I threw a very large piece of freshly chewed gum at him which landed squarely on his windshield. To clear it, Juan turned on his wipers which of course spread the goo all over the glass. We had to pull over we were laughing so hard. That car, by the way, was nicknamed the Babini mobile. There are many more memories and all of them cause a smile. I don't recall a vindictive or mean spirited statement ever to have come from Juan. He was a great friend with a warm heart. I hope to catch up with you to help you discover more of the Dad that was taken from you, and us, too soon.
Paul Harvalias

06/18/08 11:40 PM #4    

Jacquie Montgomery

Hi Nathaniel, I grew up in the same neighbourhood as your dad in elementary school (around 23th and Laurel). We played soccer together in my backyard as well as Douglas Park. I have many fond memories of him and look forward meeting you. Jacquie

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