In Memory


     John Oliver Secondary School
Class Of 1979 - 30 Year Reunion

I note that you have Marie's name "In Memory" - I would like to add that the date that I lost my Daughter, Marie, was June 22, 1989.

I miss her terribly and I only wish she were here today to attend the reunion. She will be there in spirit I know.

Leona Grasky

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07/07/09 09:59 PM #1    

Patty Vriend (Dunderdale)

I have thought of Marie very many times since her death. I still miss her wonderful laugh and beautiful smile. I was just telling a friend how much I missed Marie's good choice in books, everytime she finished a book she passed it on to me and I fully enjoyed each read. Marie was part of a group which included Sandi Roberston, Debbie Cooper, Cathie Cooper, Puj Dhillon, Denise Cann, Chris Tronrud and myself. We shared many great moments such as baseball, driving around in Marie's Datsun, boyfriends, concerts, school, and much much more. When we get togther we often speak of Marie and how much we miss her. She will never be forgotten, she lives forever in our hearts. I know she will be with us in spirit at the reunion. Cheers Marie!!
Your friend, Patty

07/27/19 07:57 PM #2    

Michelle Martin (McManus)

I’m hoping this message goes to Marie’s mom, Leona:

Having known Marie in High School, but not well.....I do know about you. My Mom and Dad knew you and your husband. My Mom and Dad are Al and Phyllis Martin. Very sad whenever I am reminded of Marie’s passing. 

Michelle McManus (Martin)



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