Shawn Carter

Profile Updated: February 20, 2009
Shawn Carter
Residing In: IL USA
Occupation: Deputy Sheriff, K-9 Officer.
Children& their Birthdays: Wyatt A. Carter, born 1995
Military Service: U. S. Navy  
Yes! Attending Reunion
Tell us what you've been up to since highschool:

Okay, I know everyone is wondering why I changed my last name. Well let me tell you. My parents were divorced when I was only a year old. I never met my dad until I was 18 and ready to leave for the Navy. I talked with my grandparents about taking their name because I wanted my military discharge papers to have the last name of Carter on them. My grandparents were honored and the court process began. Well wouldn't you know, changing my last name really pissed my dad off and we haven't talked since. For not ever having met the man, it was sure strange of him being mad at me. Any ways, that's why.

Favorite School memory:

The time Tommy and I lit a bottle rocket from the west side of the school building (just off the band room) at several upper class persons outside in the parking lot. Tommy and I ran back into the gym and watched the dorks try and figure out who did the deed. (I've exceeded the statute of limitation on this particular criminal violation by the way).
