In Memory

James Conlon

James Conlon

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05/09/11 11:55 PM #1    

Steve Duseau

I spent a lot of time with James in high school and all I can remember about it was hysterical laughter. I can't think of him without a smile coming to my face. When I first began work as an airline pilot, I was in the Philadelphia airport walking through the terminal when I ran into James. He did not recognize me at first in my uniform. When he realized who I was, he immediately broke into laughter before saying a word. It must of struck him as incredibly ironic to see this "responsible" individual standing before him as he quickly remembered all the crazy things he and I were once a part of. A moment later, I began laughing too when it occurred to me what he found so funny. We spoke briefly and then he had to catch his flight to Laguardia. That was the last time I ever saw him. But, how fitting that it was all laughter and smiles. He was one of those great people to know for the cheer and humor he brought into my life. Thanks James.

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