In Memory

Ervin Hansen

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11/11/09 05:10 PM #1    

Linda Poole (Spellacy)

Ervin Hansen died in 2001. He was one of my good friends from high school. We were in the band, and as with all band members, we had a close friendship. Many things we all did with Ervin, I'm so glad we didn't get caught doing, because our parents would probably still have us grounded. He seemed never to be in a bad mood, and never turned his back on anyone who was his friend, and that included just about everyone. What a special guy.

07/30/10 08:03 PM #2    

Lyndon Smith

ERVIN HANSEN 1942-2001

Ervin and I were friends ever since we met in the VHS Band. After high school, we married into the same family and for the most part lived close by. Ervin worked in the oil field during the early days and because of this, he was unable to be with his wife when several of his five children were born; so I stood in for him on those occasions. Since we lived in the same area, I still have contact with his kids and am still just about the only uncle they have or ever had. Their mother has also passed away.

Ervin and I spent many weekends at car shows, swap meets, motorcycle trips, motorcycle racing events and camping. Our greatest memories were from the time we spent in the VHS Band. Those who were not in the high school band cannot understand what a unique experience this was. We had a great band director that everybody respected. We had great fun on band trips to concerts, contests, parades and ball games. Our special relationship with the band kids still exists today as some of us have had mini-band reunions during the last two years.

We were not always model students and may have been guilty of having too much fun on some occasions. I remember one incident in about 1959. Ervin and I were cruising the Boulevard late one night in Ervin's 47' Ford when we were stopped by a couple of Victoria's finest. Ervin received a speeding citation, a little harassment and then we were sent on our way. It probably would have ended there except we were aggravated by this point and we decided to follow them around for a while, which turned out to be nearly two hours. Finally at about two in the morning the officers pulled into Earl's Cafe' for a well deserved break. Once they were settled inside, we pulled up behind their vehicle and I can't say for sure how it happened, but they sustained a new dent in their rear bumper. When we left the scene, somehow their ticket receipt book and flash lights were lying on our front seat. Hey, we could have taken their shotgun. Those articles disappeared and never saw the light of day again. Needless to say, Ervin didn't have to respond to that ticket and the officers probably started locking their vehicle doors, although that probably would not have made a difference that morning.

Somehow we did not join the same military branch; Ervin joined the Air Force and I went into the Army, but we were both stationed in Louisiana for a few months at the same time. Ervin was in the Air Police K-9 unit and by choice worked mostly nights walking guard duty with his police dog Rusty, a very handsome German Shepherd. I visited him on a couple of occasions and walked his duty with him and Rusty to keep rabbits, skunks, coyotes, snakes, alligators and other bad guys from penetrating the security of this SAC base with B-58 bombers sitting on the ramp, loaded and ready to go. For the most part, Ervin enjoyed his life and lived it simply, as he wanted to. This did not entirely work out for him. His life was full of complications and challenges which he dealt with in his own way. He was always a good friend with a kind and generous heart. He would always give of himself to help someone in need. We never spent a day together without remembering the special relationship with our brothers and sisters in the VHS Band.       


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