Class Of 1975
40th Class Reunion for IES Abroad Vienna 1974-75 Friday, September 19th to Tuesday, 23nd, 2014 -- Vienna, Austria
Dear IES Abroad Vienna 1974-75 classmates,
Our reunion is less than five months away and the excitement is building. We have RSVP’s from 36 classmates for a total of 53 people who plan to attend the September Reunion. For those of you still making up your minds, we would love to have you join in the fun! What better way to celebrate turning 60 than spending time reliving our study abroad experiences in the beautiful city of Vienna, Austria!!
Our reunion itinerary is attached. Keep this for your records. We are also including a RESPONSE FORM and request that you print it out, fill it out and return it at your earliest convenience (no later than July 1st) with a check for the dinners you choose to attend, as they require either a deposit or a group payment.
All spouses or significant others are encouraged to attend! If you know someone in our class who has not received this information, please forward it to them as soon as possible.
Please join us and reunite with your classmates!
Travel and Hotels:
As soon as you are ready, make travel reservations according to your own plans. You may choose to arrive earlier than September 19th and/or depart later than September 23rd, perhaps for an extended stay in Vienna or to visit other places in Europe. IMPORTANT: Make sure now that your passport is current and the expiration date extends at least six months beyond your travel dates for fall 2014.
We also encourage you to make a hotel reservation now. September is a very busy month in Vienna. A list of hotels recommended by other IES Abroad reunion classes appears below. If you are receiving message this via email, just click on the hotel name to connect to their website:
Hotel Konig Von Ungarn (where many of us have already booked rooms)
Mercure Wien Zentrum Pension
Neuer Markt Hotel Am Konzerthaus
Hotel Romischer Kaiser K+K Palais (on Rudolfsplatz in the 1st District)
Hotel Astoria Hotel Capricorno
Class Gift
In honor of Clarence and Alberta Giese, co-founders of IES Abroad, and whom many of remember warmly during our time in Vienna, we will be assembling a class gift around our 40th anniversary class reunion. The gift will be used to provide one or more scholarships for need-based students to study abroad on an IES Abroad program. Closer to the time, you will receive a gift/pledge form with more information. For many of us, attending the reunion is a significant expense, so please know that your gift can be designated as a pledge payable at the end of this year, or even next year. We will raise a glass and toast the total amount raised while we are together in Vienna. We know how much study abroad and the Gieses meant to our experience in Vienna and this is a wonderful way to honor them, while at the same time making it possible for one or more students to have the world opened up to them.
Do You Have Old Photos?
The IES Abroad Vienna Center Archivist is collecting photos and other interesting documents you have taken during 1974-75. Scan and email them to:
We continue to update our class list and a copy is attached. If you have new information on classmates, address, telephone and/or email, please share it so that we can include everyone and send them this information.
Michael Riordan, Royce Paulsen, Brenda Hensler Reiter, Ruth Hardee Kovacs, Jeanne Nyland Doran, and Larry Hopwood
Contact at IES Abroad Chicago: Jennifer Hodge Jerzyk, Nantes ‘81 Alumni Relations 33 W. Monroe St., 23rd fl. Chicago, IL 60603
Included with this letter: Reunion Itinerary Reunion RSVP Form Vienna 74-75 Class List (separate pdf file)
IES Abroad Vienna 74-75 Class Reunion Itinerary
(Keep this for your records)
Friday, September 19 6:30PM Welcome Cocktails/Dinner in a private room at Augustina Keller at Augustinerstrasse 1
One of our old favorite restaurants from our days in Vienna. $65 per person includes cheese platters, house beer (light and dark), red and white house wine, soft drinks, traditional Austrian buffet, dessert, coffee, tax and tip.
Saturday, September 20 10:00AM – 12:00 Noon-Walking Tour inside the Ring, starting with a tour of the Palais Kinsky where we will meet at Freyung 4.
A stroll down memory lane with our IES Abroad alumna tour guide, Gretl Satorius, Vienna ‘04. About $5 per person for the first 25 people. If we have more than 25 people, Gretl will add a second tour in the afternoon after lunch.
Lunch at at Gösser Bierklinik at Steindlgasse 4 in the Innere Stadt at 12:15PM. Afternoon: free time
7:00PM – Midnight - Reception at the Palais Kinsky A special evening in a beautiful private room at our beloved Palais Kinsky at Freyung 4.
The Palace underwent renovation in the late 1990s and was restored to its earlier design. The palace is now used for auction events, shops and a restaurant. $115 per person includes cocktail style food, tax and tip. Cash bar is separate. Waltzing encouraged! Cocktail style attire (This is our dress up night!)
Sunday, September 21 10:15AM St. Stephen’s Cathedral mass and music concert... or tour the Vienna sights on your own
Afternoon: free time
6:00PM meet at Stefansplatz to take a private trolley for our trip to a wonderful Heurigan in Grinzing.
Our plan is to arrive at 7:00PM for dinner and music. Zum Martin Sepp, at Cobenzlgasse 34, is one of the most appealing wine restaurants in Grinzing. Our private trolley will leave at 10:00PM and take us back to Vienna. Price is $87 for dinner including tax and tip and the private trolley round trip. Drinks are separate.
Monday, September 22 Meet at 10:00AM for a Sightseeing Cruise on the Danube
We will cruise on the new ship MS Wien and depart from Schiffstation Wien located along the Danube canal at schwedenplatz. It is less than a ten minute walk from Stefansplatz to the ticket office. Ticket price is $36 per person which we purchase at the time of departure. The cruise will return at 1:50PM. We will have a glass enclosed dining area for lunch where we can order lunch a la carte. Relax on board and watch the landscape, and the sights such as the Danube Tower, Millennium Tower, the Ring Tower, and other sights.
Afternoon: free time
7:30PM Dinner at Da Capo, an Italian country style restaurant, at Schulerstraße 18
Our final dinner is in a private room in a highly regarded Restaurant just a few minutes from St. Stephen’s Cathedral. Da Capo is on several top ten restaurant lists for Vienna. Price is $60 per person including dinner, dessert, tax and tip. Drinks are separate.
Tuesday, September 23 9:00AM – 11:00AM Visit and tour of IES Abroad Center, Palais Corbelli at Johannesgasse 7; Farewell Reception
There will be a welcome and talk by the IES Abroad Center Director, Morten Solvik, Center tour, a photo display for our class that the Vienna archivist will assemble. Coffee will be available and time for questions and answers.
IES Abroad Vienna 74-75 Class Reunion RSVP Form Return this completed form with your check no later than July 1st.
Check payable to: IES-Vienna 40th Reunion Mail to: Royce Paulsen
1064 Manzana Place Lafayette, CA 94549
Here is the updated list of people who have said they plan to attend or will attend if they possibly can: