In Memory

Alex Bazan

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11/22/11 08:44 AM #1    

Cindy Tomson (Rota)

I met Alex in class and had the pleasure of seeing his mischievious side after the dances.  He grabbed a fire extinguisher and sprayed classmates as they left the dance.  He was absolutely fearless!

03/15/12 07:05 AM #2    

Ann "Michelle" Welch (Montoya)

Alex asnd I were good friends we would tease each other all the time in the halls between classes.  He had the best smile in the world.  He never seemed to stop moving.  He had so much energy he could have given the Energizer Bunny a run for his money.  I miss him a lot and think of him often.

07/24/12 09:55 AM #3    

Ike Webb

Rest In Peace Alex " Chachi " Bazan! You were one crazy Mother Trucker!!! Your Buddy Ike

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