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Rosemary Bryan Smoot

Profile Updated: July 14, 2017
Rosemary Bryan
Where do you live now: Wayne, WV USA
After 40 years .. no more questions! .. it's time for you to talk about what you want to talk about .. your family, your church, your faith, your friends, your dog, your cat .. anything .. we hope you use this space to tell us what's going on in your world ..

Your life now ..

How did you meet your spouse .. I knew my husband when I was real young (before my first husband) but we never connected until after my divorce.

Your family .. I have one son "Scott", one stepdaughter, Drema Dawn and two step-grandchildren.

Your church ..

Are you retired yet .. if not, where are you working .. and how much longer .. Yes, but working temporary for same place (State) and plan on working another year.

Hobbies, Interests .. I enjoy card making and scrapbooking.

What do you like best about the place where you live .. it's peaceful, quiet and out of the way

How have you changed since graduation .. Gotten fat, ugly, hateful and really don't give a shit any more.

Is your life different now than you thought it would be at this point .. Yes, never thought I'd have pain like I do

Would you go back to our school years if you could .. Get out of town

If you could change one thing about the years since graduation, what would it be ..

What's your favorite sports memory from school ..

Who are the friends you miss most from our school days .. Everyone

Funny memories from our school years ..

Most rewarding personal experience since graduating ..

Favorite Song, favorite hangout, favorite teacher .. anything favorite related to school ..

Anything you want to share about your life now and in the last 40 years .. Not really

Any ideas you have for the next reunion .. Leave this to the experts

So after 40 years .. tell us what’s on your mind ..

Name (First/Maiden/Last)

Rosemary Bryan Eaves Smoot

Attending Get Together at Wayne High School (Cafeteria) (08/24/12)
