In Memory

Robert Calahan

The following is an email I received from Dave Gibson - I have entered Rob's name and his wife's email in the website if classmates would like to send their sympathies.

"Rob went to Westminster College in Fulton and was in ROTC.   He met Sharyn Hellbig (sp?) who went to  William Woods.  They married, he went to Vietnam, and she moved here.  He stayed in the Army for some years, and they moved around a bit.  Two sons.

Anne and I visited them on Thanksgiving in a couple of places, and he ended up in Huntsville, AL.  We used to get together in Memphis for big exhibitions.

Rob's dad was military.  Rob grew up in Paris, and they moved here the first time (of three) from Virginia.  The moved onto Elm, and their garage was on an alley off Russell Avenue.  So was the Kerwin's garage, and that's how Tom and I met Rob.

Rob, Tom, Pete Merrill, and I used to walk to school together.

Rob was in a Presbyterian Fellowship Group with Helen Murrill."
