In Memory

Tom Stuber

Deceased 3/6/2012

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11/26/13 07:15 PM #1    

Linda Bemis (Hofman)

I have fond memories of Tom, from our time at Avery School.  He was both shy and friendly, and had such a nice smile.  My thoughts and prayers are with his family now.  Sincerely, Linda Bemis Hofman

11/26/13 09:57 PM #2    

Jack Coombs

I have a nice memory of Tom... At Avery, there were civil war games,and you would wear either cap,Yankee or Rebel, not sure,but remember Tom,me , and  Michael Dodd..there's a name!...and we decided to make our own group...and  we did have fun .. As Linda B wrote,he was very shy,quiet, and a real good person...Take care ,Tom!




11/27/13 06:30 PM #3    

Bryan Phegley (Phegs)

Tom was certainly a nice guy but was NOT in our class.  He was the class President of the class of 1964.

11/28/13 09:17 AM #4    

Alan Fasoldt

I didn't know Tom, but there is a Tom Stuber listed in our class photos in our senior yearbook.

11/29/13 04:38 PM #5    

Bryan Phegley (Phegs)

Sorry, there was a Tom Stuber in both 1962 and 1964.

11/30/13 01:54 PM #6    

David Gibson

Tom is listed in the WGHS Alumni Directory 2006 Edtion as having graduated from Drury College and having several children, some with the last name of Branstetter.   The names of the chldren and grandchildren listed in the obit are the same;   there is no question about the identity of the deceased.

Around fifteen years ago (I think), I saw a man workng in an office area at Boeing in St. Louis who looked familiar;   he resembled a man whom I had seen sitting by himself by the Kirkwood train station on weekends.  The man never seemed to speak to anyone.  I introduced myself.  He was the same guy.

He recogized my name, saying that he had been in the same home room class (Mr. Boulding's).  He said he was Tom Stuber, emphasizing that he was not the Tom Stuber of the Class of 1964.  He had worked for AT&T in MA, and was then working as a contract employee doing IT work to consolidate the Boeing and McDonnell Douglas financial systems.

That was a temporary assignment and a short term task, and I lost track of him shortly after that.

I never really knew him in high school, but I did rmember his name.

12/01/13 05:39 AM #7    

Nancy Self (Lindisfarne)

Tom Stuber and I were lab partners in Chemistry. It was a miracle either of us passed, mostly because we couldn't stop larking around. One time Tom, or I, dropped some fierce acid on my lab notebook and we were laughing so hard we couldn't turn the pages fast enough to stop it eating through to the back cover. He was a gentle, funny, really lovely man. I remember him with great fondness. His family's loss must be enormous. Nancy Self Lindisfarne

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