Karen Anderson Heins

Profile Updated: April 17, 2010
Karen Anderson
Residing In: Menomonee Falls, WI USA
Spouse/Partner: Keith
Occupation: Elementary Music Teacher/Church Musician
Children: I have 2 step children: Andrea born 1982 and Christopher born 1984. My 4 children are Adrianne Neitzke More…born 1986, graduated from UW Eau Claire with a business major and international business minor... just returned from South Korea after spending 18 mos. there as an English teacher. Kimberly Neitzke born 1988 .. will be graduating from UW-Whitewater with a degree in social work. and Kurt and Melodie born 1994 .. both are very gifted in music and are members of MYSO groups.
Yes! Attending Reunion
High School Nickname

half pint

Funny or Fond High School Memories

Many, many fond memories.... too many to mention!
