Looking for these Edgewood High School alumni from 1965

The Classmates listed below are those for whom we have no e-mail or address information.  If you have contact information for any of them, please let us know.  Or, better yet, tell them about our website and encourage them to log on and reconnect.



Kirk Aguilera
Susan Ahrens
Karen Anderson
Thomas Austin
Irene Avila
Ronald Barthelmew
Marc Beaubien
Sharon M. Bernatt (Hackett)
Tim Berry
Bonnie Bullen (Alquist)
Jerry Bundy
Judy Bundy
Linda Burnett
Sharon Burski (Franks)
Lorraine Butts
Cheryl Cabral
Bette Calmes
Michael Casey
Robert H. Crume
Gary Custis
Carl Davies
Bonita Dunn
Loren Elliott
Sharon Emery
John Feld
Robert Feller
Cheryl Forman
LaVere Foster
Carol Galey
Donna Gallagher
Candy Garrett
Robert Gavin
Richard Gebhardt
Sharon Gfeller
Melanie Grace
David Gustafson
Kathleen D. Hall
Scott Herring
Judy Hildreth
Linda Holloway
Vera Honig
William Hutchins
Carol Kennedy
Glenn B. Kenyon
Linda Kerns
Jerry Kramer
Gary Kristofic
Bonnita Lewis
James W. Lithgow
Nicholas Maassen
Sandra Mahood
Sandra Matthews
David Monahan
Linda Murphy
Roger O'Donnell
Michael Patterson
Juan Perez
Darrell Pinney
Don Pope
Barry Renfro
Greg Ross
Claire Schmidt
Jenna Seraphin
Margaret Sherwood
Evelyn Smith
William Sparkes
Dell St. Laurent
Susan L. Stewart
Claudia Swift
Scott Temple
Kenneth Tison
Melinda S. Tucker
Coleen Tutt
Lynda Vallejos
Richard Van Buskirk
Patricia Ward
Greg Welter
Suzanne West (Goldberger)
Candace Woods