In Memory

Kathy Cooper

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09/30/15 12:40 PM #1    

Linda McGuigan (Stephenson)

Kathy was a courageous person. Things often didn't seem to go the way she would have wanted, but she kept smiling. We were roommates in W. Covina after graduation. She would wake up in the middle of the night and bang on the wall between our bedrooms  to ask if I wanted to go out to breakfast, and it was off to Dennys to laugh and talk about the roommates we were dating. It became obvious something was wrong when she couldn't wake up with 3 alarms going off, so she finally agreed to go for a physical and was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma. She went through difficult treatmenat City of Hope. When it seemed she was in remission, she met the guy of her dreams and married. Within days she relapsed. She didnt tell me, and threw a surprise baby shower for me. That was Kathy, always thinking abut someone else. It was obvious then that she was gravely ill, and we looked at each other and cried on her front lawn , No words were spoken,but we both knew we would not see each other in this life again. She was to be godmother to my daughter, but passed away just a few weeks before she was born. Kathy was burried in her wedding dress. Looking forward to seeing her in heaven.Have to admit, tearing up. Had to retype this th.rough the tears

09/30/15 08:58 PM #2    

Linda Grasty (Moke)

Kathy was one of my best friends! She was always up for an adventure. We were crazy Beatlemanics! We tracked them down every time they were in town and saw them at the Hollywood Bowl and Dodger Stadium. In our adventures we managed to climb the Hollywood Hills to get to their house. We would get dragged back down to the bottom by the cops, just to turn around and do it again.  It paid off though~we got to see George and Ringo!!  We went our separate ways during college years~She went to work and I went to school.  She became a responsible person while was a hitch hiking hippie, groupie chick~but we stayed in touch even though we were living in different worlds. I knew she had Hodgkins and went with her to the City of Hope several times when she was having chemo. She was brave and so much fun to be with, but she had absolutely the most rotten luck with guys. She seemed to attract one jerk after another! Eventually, we both turned our lives over to the Lord and we were reconnected in the closest way. I was so happy when she finally met and married a great guy~Then, in the fall (I believe it was 1975), the turn for the worst. She was my daughter Holly's God mother. My daughter Erin has Kathleen as her middle name in honor of Kathy.  I was with her in the Hospital the night she died~We laughed, we cried and held hands.  She suddenly, looked up and said, " get my parents"~they were down the hall at that moment. She knew it was time~ When her parents came in, she said "goodbye~it's time~they're here!"  As she said this she was looking up at the corner of the room with a smile~ Slowly she weakened~She passed peacefully~she was brave, sweet and beautiful~

10/01/15 06:57 AM #3    

Jan Wien (Giffey (Faculty))

Thank you ladies for sharing your words on Kathy.  I was her shorthand teacher for two years.  I was invited by your reunion committee to your gathering and to join this website.  I am not able to attend the reunion but jumped at the chance to be on the website.  Kathy was one of the students I wanted to contact and was so saddened to hear that she had died and at such a young age.  

Janet Wien Giffey

10/01/15 10:32 AM #4    

Marianne Mack (Turk)

Thanks for your stories about Kathy ladies...I have to admit, I both laughed and cried reading them.  I'm glad she found happiness and was able to leave this world peacefully.  No more pain or struggles...peace and love for eternity!

10/02/15 10:10 AM #5    

Georgia Presley (Delorme)

Such beautiful words and testiment to Kathy.  I was so saddened to hear of Kathy's passing. Quite sad, reading about her struggles and her amazing courage.  I didn't know Kathy too well, I think we only had one class together, but she was always sweet and smiling.  I still remember her laugh.  Blessings Kathy.

10/02/15 09:37 PM #6    

Nancy Costantino (Lodolo)

In either seventh or eighth grade, there was a rumor going around that the world was going to end at four o clock on a day that my parents were working, and Kathys Mom wasnt home. Needless to say, at that impressionable age, we figured that rather than die alone since no one was home, we should talk on the phone until the end came. For hours, we talked about other classmates, fun times, secrets (almost like being in a confessional)..At about four thirty that afternoon, we figured out ( duh) that we had been duped. But, what a great conversation (one of many) we had that day. And, how many laughs remembering it for the years following it. that is one of my fondest memories of Kathy Cooper. A sweetheart of a person, and sadly, gone way too soon. RIP Kath.......

10/03/15 09:11 AM #7    

Karen Moser (Veit)

     I went to many different elementary schools and came to Del Norte in the 8th grade.  I met Kathy Cooper on the 2nd day when she met me in the back of the classroom and accused me of being a "paper eater".  I don't remember the circumstances surrounding that comment but I do remember her "Cheshire Cat" smile and cat eyes.  She was always optimistic and funny.  We became the best of friends and I spent many hours together.  We started Edgwood together and met every moring at the bus stop.  We spent many, many hours together being those silly teenaged girls at the football and basketball games laughing and cheering. We drifted apart our Sophmore year as her famiy moved across town and I no longer saw her at the bus stop nor could we walk to eachothers houses.  We didn't have any classes together either.  I was glad that she developed some great new friendships but always missed her cat face and sweet optimism.


10/08/15 01:33 AM #8    

Nancy Chapman (Chapman)

I remember Kathy from our Junior year in Mrs Goodman's English class.  She was always so much fun and could have me in stitches.  Evidently she borrowed a bunch of paper from me because she promosed to pay it back when she signed my yearbook!  Yes, Linda Grasty, I remember how Beatles crazy you two were.  What fun!  Love you, Kathy.

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