In Memory

Brian Williams

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03/17/16 08:31 PM #1    

Stu Messenger

Brian left us far too soon, at age 61, from cancer.

Growing up in Dundarave, near Brian, I remember the fun times and crazy escapades he got up to, including being pulled behind a car on roller skates!  A big, strong guy, Brian played many sports, including football at WVSS.

He spent summers at the family cottage on Keats Island, where he enjoyed water-skiing and sailing - he even made his own water-skis.

After graduating from UBC, Brian had a successful career as an electrical engineer.  He and his wife, Joan, raised their two children in West Vancouver where Brian was very involved in the WV Soccer Club.  He and Joan were also blessed with three grandchildren.

Brian was a kind and gentle soul, and a true friend.

03/18/16 08:30 AM #2    

Brian Wills

Brian and I often sat behind one another in class because the teacher would put us in alphabetical order.  I always liked him because he was kind hearted and level headed. A gentle giant.  Sad to hear of his passing.

03/18/16 10:30 AM #3    

Russ Tichauer

Well said Stu, I still have fond memories of you, Brian, and Don teaching me to slolam ski at Keats and after swollowing half the Pacific Ocean, finally getting the hang of it. Brian was a true friend to all of us and will be missed.

03/18/16 03:40 PM #4    

Barb Smart (Hunter)

Brian truly was the definition of a "gentle"man. He was a true friend and we enjoyed many activities together with his wife Joan and their 2 kids when our kids were young. I still have a water ski that he and Don refurbished. You will remember that ski Russ. He certainly was instrumental in getting us all to water ski, but he was a master. He and Don spent many hours working on electrical problems and challenges together. Brian and Don both left this world too soon, but they have left us some wonderful memories. 

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