Westmont High School
Class of 1988
Awards & Messages
20-Year Reunion Awards - 10/4/08
Ain't No Mountain High Enough/Ain't No River Wide Enough (for the person who traveled the farthest) - Mary Banaszak (~2400 miles from Alaska)
Honeymoon Award (the couple most recently married) - Jason & Rebecca Check (June 13, 2008)
Marathon Award (longest married couple) - Dan & Sandy Sudd (16 years)
Honorary Marathon Award - Goes to Tammy Meyer, who also attended reunion, but she attended without her husband and didn't nominate herself! She was under the radar during the event - until after all awards were announced, but deserves recognition for 18 years of marriage!
Westmont Heritage (most children attending WHS) - Chris Bumblauskas (one at WHS, but also one at WJHS and one at Manning)
10-Year Reunion Awards - 10/3/98
Longest Married Guy - Dan Sudd (6 yrs)
Longest Married Girl - Tammy Meyer (5/5/90)
Most Recent Bride - Adriana Rodek (9/19/98)
Most Recent Groom - Tom Lilleberg (6/7/97)
Newest Mom - Jenny Mayer (4.5 months)
Newest Dad - not awarded
Farthest Distance Traveled to Reunion - Michael Burn (Seattle, WA 1901 miles)
Shortest Distance Traveled to Reunion - Bill Anderson (1/2 mile)
Most Kids - Jenny Mayer (3 kids - Andy 8, Dylan 20 months, Nico 4.5 months)
Lived in Most Cities Since '88 - Suzi Greicar (9 cities)
Most Pregnant - Dwayne & Rebecca Marsteller (10/27/08)
Lives Closest to WHS - Mark Roe
Funniest Message to Classmates - ?? can't verify if this was awarded
Most Interesting WHS Memory - Tracy Prescott (Homecoming Sr. year-Getting my coat closed in the car door and being dragged in the
Class of 1988 Senior Messages
MISTY - Hey chick, it has been a real blast going out to lunch wtih you, and your "grandma's" car. Have fun with everything and keep in touch. AUDREY
DAVE B. - Washed any cars lately? ME
PAT & JASON - It's been great getting to be better friends with you guys. Remember "Oh, Termina", keep in touch. LOVE DONNA
SUZI, LAURA, MICHELLE, DONNA, AUDREY, ADRI, CATHY, IRENE, ROBIN, ALISON, TANYA, CHRIS, DANIELLE, MISSY, DENISE, AND VIV - I just wanted to thank all of you guys for all of the memories and crazy times we had together. Thanks for the times when I needed you! Good Luck, RACHAEL
BOB HEIDEN AND ROB ASHCRAFT - Next time someone asks you if you know how to put in a car (truck) stereo, PLEASE don't lie. Thanks anyway. GOOGIE
p.s. Sorry about what happened going to Arby's.
JILL - I can't say that high school has been boring since I've known you. Even though you have your down days. When you are feeling down just remember my sour-puss face. Keep in touch. Luv, MISSY
p.s. "Baby, Baby, I get down on my knees for you!"
TANYA AND DAWNA - Hey guys, this year has been a blast! Let's have another great summer! And thanks for always being there. Luv, ALISON
JILL - Good luck wtih everything you do and always keep theh memores of Driver's Ed. AUDREY
VERN'S WIFE - If you ever want to start a fire, use a bundle of twigs and if the fire gets hot, squirt whip cream on it. LUV, VERN'S WIFE
VERN'S WIFE - Just remember this: If youever get lonely, go to Dorktown (Bakers) and see our friend, or you can go to McDonald's for a Cheeseburger. While you are driving, don't forget to apply the brakes in stop-n-go traffic. While you are in traffic, look for HW5034 and MP430. If you ever get thirsty, call me and we will drive a golf cart. And lastly, if your T.V. ever breaks, you can use mine. LOVE, VERN'S WIFE.
ANTHONY - You are the sweetest guy! Good luck with Wendy. I'll miss you! Love always KAREN W
MIKE, BOB, BILL - Guns and Roses Mosh it up! MIKE
DONNA - Well, we are going to be lowly freshman next year. I'm glad youdecided to go to Knox so we can "study" together! Hopefully we won't be "riding the pine" too much, since there will be a J.V. team. See ya, JILL
JO - Have you picked up any California Dudes at Dorktown? Fred and Guido live on. ME
KNUCKLEHEAD - thakns for coming over during the summer. Too bad someone is so jealous we could have been great friends! Keep in touch.
p.s. How is your T.V.?
KATHI - I wish you the best of luck with everything in the future. Keep parking in handicapped areas. AUDREY
BRIAN - First, thanks for all of your help in Deutsch, I couldn't have made it without you. Second, thanks for being such a great friend. Third, we'll have a blast in Germany. Luv, MISSY
MISTY - I'll have to stuff Bernie in the closet more often so we can go out. Teh one thing I'll miss most is our creative fights. KATHI
AUDREY - I'll miss our morning trio. (It's the only thing that kept me awake in Chemistry.) KATHI
RACHAEL - Germany was a blast! Hope to see you next year! Keep in touch, MISSY
BILL "WATSON" BAKER, AND PRESIDENT STOFFA - Good luck in your quests for money, success, power, happiness, tax shelters an dfleets of Ferrari's. LORD MIKE
KATHI - Thanks for being such a big pain. Keep in touch and remember how comfortable the bathtub really is. MISTY
JO - Thanks for locking the keys in my truck. Do whatever you ahve to do to keep someone away from Danny. GOOGIE
p.s. Where is my purse?
DAWNA - Hey bud, we've been through so much over the years. i don't know how I would have made it without ya! I could write about the scams, but we both know it would take up too much paper. Our great card-playing skills have gotten us where we are today. Now i is time to move on to fowks and show-biz. I wish you all of the luck for the future. Keep in touch. Your bestest friend, TANYA
CHERYL - You've always been there for me - thanks. Best of luck and I know we will continue our friendship 4-ever. Love, MICHELLE
LANCE - My future brother-in-law. The wedding of the decade is going to be awesome. Keep smiling and remember Lancelot Rules. CHERYL
BOB, ROB, PIPER, PAUL, AND LANCE - You guys are excellent! Thanks for all of the good times. DONNA AND CHERYL
TOMMY - You are a real sweetie. Thanks for being there to help me and Pete out. Keep in touch. Love, KAREN G
GOOGS - A friend at W.H.S. that has always been there when I needed it. No matter how mad Jim got. Four years down to three days in what seems like an instant. I will never forget you and I know you will never forget me breaking your window. Keep in touch and don't call me Shirley. BAKES
p.s. Do you want to go for a swim this summer?
BAKES - Thanks for breaking my window. I will never forget the day you came over chewing gum and playing your kazoo. Then my dad made us lunch. I will never forget you! No one will ever separate us. We've been together for too long. Keep in touch. Love always and 4-ever, GOOGS
p.s. Do we have a date on Thanksgiving?
TOMMY - Life won't be the same without you. You have been there through the tears and laughs. You have given me strength to begin when I feel like a stranger in a no-name town. I'll remember you and the memories we've shared 4-ever. Thanks for being my best friend and never letting me down. Love forever, APRIL
FRED - I'll miss your lovely hair. KATHI
DONNA, MICHELLE, RACHAEL, IRENE, VICKI - You guys have been the best friends a person could ever ask for! Keep in touch 4-ever. Graduation is gonna rock! CHERYL
PETE - Well, I really don't know what to say. To start, thanks! We've helped each other through a lot of stuff. I understand everything totally! The couple of weeks during the summer were great. Keep in touch no matter what. KAREN
p.s. NOTHING can keep great friends apart. Is my offer to Rockford still open??
LUNCH CREW: JILL, HAYDEE, AUDREY, MISSY, DOLORES, DOREEN - We must keep in touch. Best of luck next year. Jill, too bad you're not going to college. Missy and Audrey: high school has been a lot of fun. Thanks for being such great friends. Love, DANIELLE
RAY - Hi there hon! Even though you won't write me a message, i will still write you one. The past 2 years have been great! I hope the future years will be even better. Stay away from all those "nice lookin' chicks" at college and remember I will always LOVE you!!! Love you lots, ALISON
TOM GREEN - You will always be my secret lover and a terrific friend. Don't forget me after graduation. Love, KAREN W
SHARI and SHEILA - Thanks for a time I will never forget. We will definitely have to take a cruise to Malibu. Keep in touch. MISTY
ROBIN G and RACHAEL T - Take care of Grandma for me! KAREN
TOMMY - Have a nice day! ME
RICH (TWINKIE) - AHHH! I got a fat man chasing me! GUESS WHO?
BRIAN C - In-between fixing and watching T.V.'s, remember #64 lives on. Love Ya, JO (--)
ROBIN (BIRD) AND BRUCE (SOUP) - We all did a lot of wild and crazy things and we've had a lot of laughs. Thanks for all of the memories. Love, APRIL
D.F.R. - Remember that queens don't get everything they want! MRS. SCRITTI POLITTI
GOOGIE - Once you get the Vette, you will have the hottest wheels! MEL
ROBIN - Thaks for being there for me! We are going to have a blast this summer! Love, MICHELLE
VICKI (SCRUFFY) - I'm glad that I met Tom and the Gang. You are a eral blast. I hope we can all party again. Love, APRIL
p.s. Stay out of Brian's closet and I will stay out of Brian's living room.
SANDY B - Hold on to your purse cause someone might stell it. Thanks for being there for me. Sorry about what happened when we got your dress. SHHH, don't tell. Keep in touch. KAREN
DE-WAYNE - I am not going to have a party at my house. Good Luck with life. Wing it. AUDREY
MEL - If you are ever sad, think of the bird! Ha Ha. Love, APRIL
DENISE H - I'm glad we were locker buds for three years! KAREN
VIV - To all the psycho times and experiences we have gone through and what it all means to us... The Dave Gahan, building times at La Margarita, the candybars and their strength, Depeche Mode, the notebooks and the unknown use of T's, etc... Best of luck to you when you leave the states. DENISE
MISS - Thanks for making my three years here fun. Senior year has been interesting. (Not to mention track) but I am really disappointed that you haven't brought your coloring book and crayons to any meets. Good luck at Elmhurst and in volleyball. Keep in touch. ME
ALISON AND RAY (Our Happiest Couple) - you guys are sooo cute! Al, I hope you can always satisfy Ray's needs in the future. God help you! I wish you both luck in the future and I hope you both have pet turtles at school. Love, TANYA
CHERYL - You are the best! WE've had some great times and I know there is more to come. Thanks for being there during the good times and the bad times. Good luck with everything. Best buddies always, DONNA
ALEX - Try not to go on vacation so someone won't steal your boyfriend. (Along with your purse, watch and jean jacket). Thanks for being a great friend. Keep in touch. GOOGS
RACHAEL AND ALISON - We've been great friends since the beginning. I'll never forget the crazy times we've had. (Paul's, downstate, hockey.) Love, DONNA
KEN, ROB, TIM, MIKE, BRIAN, DAWNA, TANYA, TOM, SUZI, CATHY, MARK, CHERYL, JASON, DINO, PETE, VICKI, BOB, RACHAEL, PAT, LAURA, AND JILL - Well, we made it you guys are the best!! Good luck in all you do and keep in touch. Love, MICHELLE B
AUD, DANI, DOLORES, HAYDEE, AND ALLI - Hi, Ya'll keep iin touch. Even though we will be separated, some farther than otehrs. (MSU) Don't party too much or you will end up back here. Luv, MISSY
DOE - Well, I am glad we ended up better friends than we were when I first came here. Remember when I thought you were "miss good two shoes"? But now I've learned. Sorry about "everything" that happened this year. I hope it all works out in the end. thanks for making my senior year great. Take care and keep in touch. JILL
SMEL - Hickey Check! Well kid, if youlook back at the way we were when we used to skate and compared it to now, it would be pretty hysterical. Thanks for everything. I hope you and Dave last forever. (He's really a great guy.) Well, keep in touch. Luv, KAREN p.s. What is GAR doing????
JJ, BRUCE, JAY, MIKE AND BRANDON - Thanks for putting up with Kathi and me at the lunch table. And only hitting me with food a few times. MISTY
AUD, DANIELLE, AND HAYDEE - I am glad we have all gotten to be such great friends. But our "brain waves" haven't been strong lately! Good luck at C.O.D., M.S.U. and N.I.U. next year. Be sure to stay in touch. They do have phone lines in Valesburg! JILL
1988 Senior Breakfast Class Awards
Class Clown – Pat Ward
Best Dressed – Michelle Barton
Biggest Flirt – Sandy Lipe
Most Likely to Succeed – Danielle Shafer
Strangest Laugh – Kim Lancsak
Biggest Brown Noser – Rob Ignasak
Shyest – Laura Porter
Greatest Thirst – Ray Behrens
Praiser of the Porcelain Goddess – Adriana Rodek
Life of the Party – Lance Karesh
Biggest Airhead – Laura Waringo
Hottest Guy – Mark Ishman
Hottest Girl – Michelle Barton
Biggest Storyteller – Mike Butler
Most Likely to Win The Indy 500 – Ray Behrens
Biggest Ego – Mark Ishman
Biggest Complainer – Robin Gebner
Most Studious – Frank Stoffa
Hottest Wheels – Rob Benning
Moodiest – Rachael Tee
Biggest Hypochondriac – Jenny Mayer
Most Artistic – Jason Larson
Nicest Smile (Girl) – Laura Waringo
Nicest Smile (Guy) – Mike Crosby
Mr. McCord’s Best Friend – Jay Schied
Cutest Dimples – Rachael Tee
Most Likely to Set Off Fire Alarm – Dwayne Marsteller
Biggest Change Since Freshman Yr – Tom Lilleberg
Most Likely To Slip In the Shower – Curtiss Richrath
Hard Girl – Sandy Bennett
Social Butterfly – Suzi Greicar
Most Innocent – Michele Greco
Sweetest Guy – Bill Anderson
Sweetest Girl – Audrey Fortes
Least Likely To See First Hour – Bob Swanston
Nicest Buns (Male) – Paul Nordan
Nicest Buns (Female) – Donna Dimovski
Most Cheerful – Suzi Greicar
Least Likely to Make the Olympics – Mark Roe
Most Likely to Marry a Dying Rich Man – Irene Andrasz
Hardest Worker – Frank Stoffa
Nicest Legs (Guy) – Paul Nordan
Nicest Legs (Girl) – Cheryl Louck
Most Likely to be President – Frank Stoffa
Most Likely to Marry First – Kim Fogarty
Full Quiver - Empty Bank Account Award (most children) - Sandy Bennett (four)