In Memory

Ron Broach

Ron Broach

In early 2006, Ron was diagnosed with malignant melanoma.  He seemed to have beat the odds over the past 2.5 years.  Visit his caringbridge site ( for more information and insight into his and his family's brave battle with cancer.

His wife wrote this on his site yesterday, Friday 12/5/08.


"In Memory of Ron Broach....

Ron passed away peacefully this evening at approximately 7:45pm. I went to karate, got home around 7:30pm. I went into our bedroom, brought up iTunes and played "A Better Way" by downhere. I started telling him a story, and he took his last breath.

Several people are here at the house with me. We hope to have funeral arrangements soon.

Thank you for your love and support during this difficult time."

See his wife's personal personal tribute to Ron:


Ron Broach Scholarship



As many of you know, Ron Broach passed away last week. Ron's battle with cancer was fought with valor and tenacity. Ron's strength and courage were ever apparent. I will forever recall Ron as a remarkable and brave soul.

My thoughts and prayers are with his family. Ron is now truly in a better place.

As a legacy to Ron's memory, I am under-taking the establishment of a scholarship in Ron's name. For now, I am opening an account, forming a scholarship structure and making an initial donation.

My hope is to first and foremost ease the financial burden of higher education for Ron's son, Ben and Ron's widow, Lori. Eventually, I would like to raise enough money to assist a deserving Westmont High School senior forward in their education.

Please let me know via email if you are interested in helping establish this scholarship and / or making a contribution.

If you have any questions, please call me at (303) 898-9586.

Best regards,
Michael Burn
Westmont Class of 1988
