In Memory

Gary Wineinger

Gary Wineinger

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01/29/19 11:40 AM #2    

Darlene Mendoza (Wineinger-De Lange)

It is very hard to believe that my Sweetie/beloved has been gone now 46 years this month.  Gary was an exceptional and very rare person of Excellence and nothing less.  He was larger than life and lived it like so.  I am very grateful that he was in my life and the blessing of being his wife!  A gift from God!!!   It has taken me   this long to finally open up and share the  life we had together!   We lived - we laughed and we loved!!!



01/30/19 08:09 AM #3    

Donna Williams

Such a loss and way too early.  Hold on to those wonderful memories.

01/30/19 08:32 AM #4    

Sue Mooradian

Thank you reminding us of the wonderful man, friend and husband Gary was Darlene.  Thinking of you today and hoping the sweet memories you shared and created will comfort you on this sad anniversary. Sue

01/30/19 10:52 AM #5    

Muriel Dianne Goodwin (West)

I remember Gary from Sorensen School. He was good at everything: sports and studies. Such a sad loss of a man with such potential.

01/30/19 04:47 PM #6    

David Postiff

Gary was the first friend I made at Sorensen Elementary School after moving to Whittier from Michigan in 1957.  We were in Mrs Irwin's 2nd & 3rd grade combination class. I remember playing kickball before school and at recess with Gary, Jim Hanson, Rob and Frank Hilberg, Jim Gruenholtz, Brian Courtney, Steve Zober and others. Once Sorensen Park was completed we all were involved in after school sports too. Gary was a great athlete even then.  I remember going to one of his birthday parties. He was born on February 14th.  (Coincidentally, my oldest brother Gary, was born on February 14th and died young in a car accident.)  Gary was a regular kid and got into trouble with his Mom from time to time. I came home once to find Mrs. Wineinger talking to my Mom. Gary had been caught swearing and when asked where he could have heard such language he blurted out my name.  I was raised in a strict Baptist home where no swearing was allowed, and I think Mrs Wineinger must have quickly figured that out while talking to my sweet Mom.  All was cordial and I was not punished as my Mom knew it wasn't me and she was right.  In fact, it wasn't until I had kids of my own that I learned how to swear with any fluency.  Another time Gary told me his rear was sore from a spanking. He was tough and stubborn and just refused to cry, I guess his Mom must have assumed he needed a little more. I think he realized this was not working for him.  I suggested to him that next time (we both knew there would be a next time) he should start crying really loud right away, which is just what he did. His Mom was so shocked she stopped right away thinking she had hurt him.  We had a good laugh over it.  Gary was a good student and I remember him writing a science fiction story about going to Mars that was so good it was published in the local Star-Review! 

In the 5th or 6th grade Gary's family moved north of the boulevard. I didn't reconnect until we were on the Track team together at WHS.  He was as quick as he was strong and a great athlete. But he put in the work too.  Gary was on the school record setting Mile Relay and tied the school record for the 100 yard dash.  Gary came to one meet with some new "Tiger" track shoes.  They were not the Puma or Adidas we were used to seeing, they were burgundy with white slashes and made in Japan.  They were lightweight, well made and half the price of the Adidas.  His Dad had ordered them for Gary.  In short order several more of us ordered them too.  We were the first people I saw wearing them.  I still have mine.  You would recognize them as the Asics brand now.  At graduation I received my diploma from his Dad as did the rest of the relay team. 

 After WHS we both went to Whittier College.  I can still see myself sitting next to him in a Biology class. He asked the professor a question formulated with a depth of understanding and intelligence that neither I, nor likely anyone else in the class possessed. I knew he was smart but it was at that moment I realized what a keen mind he had. 

I transferred to CSUF after my freshmen year at Whittier, and married. Gary came to my wedding. I did not see much of him after that.  I learned of Gary's passing while at a gathering at our coach, Ron Tebbs' home.  Coach Kelly was there too as were some of Gary's old team mates. It was devastating news for all.  I sent Gary's parents a note of sympathy.  Mrs. Wineinger, with no need, responded with a warm note of thanks.  Reading above you might think she was a tough mother, but I never thought so.  What we do know is that Gary's parents raised a fine son, who was well loved, and gone to soon.     





01/31/19 07:37 PM #7    

Linda Messinger Robinson

Thank-you Darlene for keeping his wonderful memory alive.     

02/01/19 03:02 AM #8    

Kathy Dunn (Doak)

Beautiful words that brought loving, vivid memories to so many.  Thank you for sharing your love story, Darlene.

02/02/19 10:01 AM #9    

Sue Mooradian

Thank you Dave for sharing memories of your early life with Gary.  It was so nice to read and brought a smile to my face (spankings and shenanigans) especially.  Gary had/has so many friends that remember him fondly with humor, sincerity and love.  I really appreciated reading about this part of Gary's past.  Sue

02/04/19 01:51 PM #10    

Danny Orr

Hi All.  I'm going to supplement my 2009 comment with one here in FEB 2019.  As I recall, our WHS www site did not have Gary listed as deceased and that was the reason for my 2009 post. 

I remember when I learned that Gary was on track to be an OMS, I thought it would be so neat to be able to operate with him sometime.  There were only 2,000-3,000 OMS in the nation back in the 1970's so the odds of two kids from the same WHS class entering the field are pretty astronomical.  Everyone knew Gary was brilliant, but not so much one day.  Peripheral to our 50th last July, I drove by Cadbury Rd. off Beverly Blvd. (Gary's house was right across Beverly at the bottom of the Cadbury hill).  We decided it would be a good idea to ride our skateboards down Cadbury.  After each successful (i.e. survived) run we'd walk up a little higher and take off again.  I ended up rethinking my decision making when I had to dive head-first into the deep ivy at the bottom of the hill...I'm lucky I didn't spear myself on one of the foot-long irrigation risers.  The only dumber thing, at least that I remember right now, I did in HS was get on the back of Robbie's motorcycle for a leisurely 80 mph cruise down Workman Mill, aye.  Gary and I had the same math classes.  One year, well every year actually, Gary got an A, this one from Mr. Hess.  I lucked out with a B+.  Later Gary wrote in my yearbook that my only hope was to kiss up more in math the next year, and he was right.  Gary's jersey number at WHS was 17 and I've memorialized it in many ways over the decades.  When I took the CA Bar I had to memorize 18 huge lists of issues to spot.  List #17 was built off Gary.  In LDS seminary I occasionally use John 17:3 and EVERY time I share that I think of my friend.  I miss Gary to this day, but I'm pretty sure we'll be reunited as pals in the next sphere.  If you haven't already done so, please check Darlene Mendoza Wineinger's site.  What Darlene did with her life after the tragedy of losing Gary is almost unbelievable.

Go Cards!  Danny II in LV, NV     


11/26/19 11:56 AM #11    

Robert Schneiderman

I lived at the base of Cadbury Road and Beverly Drive. North/West Corner.

Just now reading Danny's post, the mystery is solved.  My late Father always wondered why the 'sprinkler risers' in the ivy would constantly break off.  Solved.  Too late to do anything about it.  House sold years ago, everyone has moved on - one way or another.

Gary and I were good friends [and neighbors] and committed our fair share of shenanigans on Beverly Drive.

One of the 'shenanigans' was to stand on each side of the street.  When a car went by, we would bend down as though to pick up a rope, and then appear to pull it straight right in front of  the car.  They would slow down, realize they were pranked, smile, wave, and drive on.

Albeit enjoyable, we never did harm to anyone or cause any property damage.

Kelly Merritt was also a friend of ours.  His Father was Police Chief of Whittier.  Good to have on our side.

And, with Gary's Father as Superintendent of Whittier Schools, also a good connection.

Great times, wonderful memories.  Wonderful people...

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