In Memory

J. D. Shouse (Teacher)

J. D. Shouse (Teacher)

John Delmar "JD" Shouse passsed away Feb. 19, 2020. (Wichita Eagle, February 21, 2020)

West Word, March 12, 1965

“I have found my nine years at West to have been a very satisfying experience; we have had very much happy winning success, and I have seen good boys in both character and athletic ability during my happy association here at West,” commented Coach J. D. Shouse on the day before his departure from West.

Coach Shouse, head baseball and swimming coach, is leaving to accept the position of guidance counselor at the newly formed Youth Opportunity Center for high school drop-outs. It has been Mr. Shouse’s life-long ambition to serve as this type of counselor; currently he has been working on his Doctorate degree at the University of Oklahoma. He lacks 11 house of having a degree in child psychology.

“I have always been quite interested in this particular field of education. My job will be to council, not to enter these young people back into school but to help them decide upon a vocation they have ability in and the Center will train, was Mr. Shouse’s remark on the duties of his new job. He continued to explain that these young people would be obtained from the employment agency and after several weeks at the Center they would be sent back to the employment agency for employment in a more specialized field. The Youth Opportunity Center is a government supported program although it is being enacted by the Board of Education.

When asked if the coach would miss the students of Wests he replied a sincere “Yes.” Our school was the first and only Wichita school Mr. Shouse has ever coached for since he came in 1956. He has done a very good job as coach. Out of 80 swimming meets, West has won 56, and out of 93 baseball games we have been victorious is 65.
