Classmate Profiles (1960)

     Contains profile information: 17
     Profile contains photos: 6
     Military Service: 4
   Restricted to Classmates only


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Beverley Alewick (Vanstone)   
Barbara Boycott  
Dennis Burling   
Paul (Rev. ) & Anne Carr  
Howard Dennison    
Sharon Downey (Bowman)  
Pamela Fellows    
Lynne Flewelling (Soulliere)   
Sharon Freeman (McKenzie)  
Gerry Holmes    
Dorothy Humphreys (Potter)    
Bob Issell   
Virginia Kidd (Cooper)  
Lewis Kryk   
Susan & Tom Lapsley (Holmes)    
Mary Ellen Loaring (Fellows)  
Glory Milner (Desjardins)  
Gary Robinson  
Bill & Nancy Ruch (Pickering)  
Heather Scott (Marnoch)
Herb Summers  
Pat Thomson (Lumley)   
Peggy Varah (Talacko)     
Camille Watson (Muller)   
Wendy Webster (Matyas)   

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