Susie Levinberg

Profile Updated: April 1, 2024
Susie Levinberg
Residing In: IL USA
Spouse/Partner: Zane Edgens
Children: A black lab/border collie/springer dog. Her name is Danger, born 2005. Passed away on November 22, More…2022.

Adopted a rescue puppy on May 5, 2023. Dorito was born on February 2, 2023. She's an Australian Cattle Dog, Lab, Weimaraner + mix.
Susie Levinberg


Yes! Attending Reunion
Email Address





Studies after NT:

Illinois State University Normal, IL
Brighton Polytechnic Brighton, England
University of Chicago Chicago, IL

What did you want to do or think you were going to do when you finished high school?


What is your next career?

I would love to find a career where I could host a lot of fundraising activities to help non for profit organizations while making a living at it.

Do you still play a sport or instrument you did in h.s.?

No, but I still enjoy singing

What else fills your time these days?

Pool leagues
Numerous doctor appointments due to being a covid long hauler since August of 2022.
Spending time with my family. Life is too short not to visit.

Where in the world have you been?

England, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Greece, Amsterdam, Luxembourg, Morocco, Canada, Jamaica, Mexico, and all over the states including Hawaii

Thoughts on high school, favorite classes or teachers, a good high school anecdote?

Math and PE were always my favorite.
A good high school anecdote: Stop the bullying. Try to be nice to everyone. High school is tough enough without more pressure from your peers.

What were you listening to back then?

U2, The Police, The Kinks, Howard Jones

Which John Hughes movie is the best, and why?

16 Candles

Did you remember with whom you walked down the aisle at graduation? Did you know them then?

No and no

Did you take part in any senior pranks?

No comment

Little known fact about you in h.s.:

I did a lot of volunteer work for the Muscular Dystrophy Association and was also a volunteer for the Jerry Lewis telethon. I coached an undefeated 2nd grade soccer team during sophomore year. My last living grandparent passed at the beginning of freshman year. I was in a public service announcement that was on tv almost every day during senior year that said "We say no to drugs and yes to life!"

Now we're 35 years older; how are you showing it?

Oy, my back.

So, you any wiser?

: I hope so