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In Memory

Brad A. Brailsford
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03/05/23 10:40 AM #1    

Paul Andersen

Brad and I were lifelong friends having grown up a block apart in East Glenview. We became friends in pre-kindergarten and, though we often lived a thousand miles apart, were tight for 65 years. We both attended High Crest School, Locust Junior High and New Trier West - the first class to go from freshman to senior, graduating in 1969. Those were tumultuous years that defined our mutual liberalism and left wing leanings which perpetuated as we ventured off on various tracks into adulthood. We always enjoyed instant rapport, even when we hadn't seen each other for years, because that's what good friends do. Brad endured considerable suffering toward the end, and now he's free. Peace to you, brother!

06/11/23 11:21 PM #2    

Bud Gross

Brad and I reconnected about ten years ago. We caught up very quickly and had some great times, including travel, bike rides and many celebrations. I cherish the time we had, which was cut way too short. I miss him a lot.

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