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Forum: Polls



Created on: 09/14/11 09:54 PM Views: 3490 Replies: 1
Posted Wednesday, September 14, 2011 04:54 PM

So far, nobody who has taken the poll likes history the best! I did like history - and still do - but English was definitely my favorite subject. All of the electives I took were English classes so I did several different English teachers - Goodwin, Ballard, McCarthy, Key. I liked all of them very much and enjoyed all the classes.

I took Spanish IV and V at North, had Mrs. Grissom and also liked her very much. If we brought food to class on Friday, we got extra credit. Friday was La Dia de la Cultura - Day of Culture. You could actually bring a bag of Doritos and get credit. Junior year, Chuck Ocheltree and I got together, made paella (very elaborate) and bought it to school. We both got extra credit A's which we needed.

One of my favorite teachers at North was Mr. Shuler. I had him for a political science my junior year. I thought Mr. Shuler was a good teacher and I learned a lot in the class.

Edited 09/14/11 04:55 PM
RE: Teachers
Posted Thursday, September 22, 2011 05:55 AM

My electives were not as industrious as yours Jayne. I think I took mechanical shop and a study hall or two and it shows I agree though, Mr. Shuler was great. He made learning fun!  That sounds like a preschool teaching toy commercial doesn't it? Math was always my favorite subject and geometry was tops for me. Miss McNew was excellent as long as David Nelson and I didn't get her off track. She could easily be distracted to talk about her youth flying model airplanes with her father. He and I excaped a few unfinished homework assignmnets that way! LOL. Seriously she was a great teacher and I learned alot from her.

