In Memory

Doreen DIMeola* (Pulisciano)

Doreen DIMeola* (Pulisciano)

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04/26/15 07:22 PM #1    

Joe Ryan

I remember when Doreen and I were 10 yrs. Old and we appeared on stage at hamden high school at a music recital w/ the both of us playing accordions. I would never have done it with out her. Great memory...

09/17/15 10:04 AM #2    

Barbara Esparo (Dixon)

I cannot even write about my bestest friend in the whole world without crying for the very deep hole she has left in my life. But, she also left me with soooo many good memories that I cannot think about without laughing out loud.. We were best buddies since we were 4 years old in pre school. went throughout our school years always together, always on the same wave length. It was not a friendship of convenience that we all have had, but rather a forever friendship based on the very deepest love and respect for each other. We had so many commonalities, yet so very many differences. Through it all our friendship held fast and true.when I became ill with breast cancer, she was right by my side throughout, because she also, as Ann Reynolds had a reoccurance at her 5 year mark: she shared it all with me and I with her. We felt each other's pain and celebrated each other's Triumphs. There is not enough room her to tell you all the wonderful attributes Dor had. She truly cared for others and her loss, I am sure, is felt throughout the Chesire Senior Center and throughout the town.she was strong and cared only for others. Throughout her last 6 months of her struggle with cancer, I was with her . She never gave up and always had a positive outlook, though she knew! I feel her beside me quite often and it brings me to tears of the most wonderful friend I have lost but, also smiles of our antics together. I will miss her until such time that we could be together belting out(off key of course), all of the songs we knew and loved from the 50'sand sixties I know there will come a day when we can continue our  duet which then will last for an eternity.       

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