Julie Moore Wheaton

Profile Updated: July 23, 2009
Residing In: Highlands Ranch, CO USA
Spouse/Partner: Virgil
Homepage: juliewheaton3@aol.com
Occupation: Sergeant Denver Police Department
Children: Blythe Born February 2004

I planned on attending the reunion and I'm soo sad I can't. Unfortunately a trial came up and I had to be back in Denver to testify. Then the trial was adjudicated but my plans had already been made.

I hope everyone has a great time. I can't believe it has been 20 years.

I went away to college in West Virginia for a year and then returned to Virginia and went to NOVA for a year. I worked for USAir for 6 months and then waited tables for a year at Chili's. I was very interested in Law Enforcement and searched high and low for an internship that would help me compete. I discovered Denver Police had a Cadet program which paid for college, paid a small salary and gave Cadets preferential hiring if they passed all the tests. I tested for Cadet with the slim hope I'd test high enough to get hired. I couldn't believe it when they called me in September 1991 and said "be here in two weeks" and you have a job. It was just the adventure I'd been looking for. I was always so restless and wanted to see the world. I completed 24 months as a Police Cadet and then entered the Police Academy in January 1994. I really had no intention of staying beyond college, but the benefits, pay and the beauty of Denver hooked me.

I spent 7 years in Patrol, 4 years as a Detective, and I've been a Sergeant for 3 1/2 years. Sometimes I still can't believe I get to do this for a living. I love my work. I currently supervise 11 detectives in the Sex Crimes Unit. My husband has been on the job 21 years and is a motorcycle cop with Denver Police.

I married the love of my life in April 1996 and we set about seeing the world. We love the beach and have gone to Hawaii, St Thomas, St Maartin, St Johns, Bahamas, Puerto Rico, The Florida Keys, Grand Cayman, Mexico and Jamaica. We've seen most of the US and just returned from New England. My husband loves to hunt and fish and we have gone to Canada several times so he can pursue those adventures. We spend a lot of time with my parents, my brothers and sister and their families.

In February 2004, we had Blythe and we couldn't be happier. We feel so blessed to have such a great kid. She's just a doll. She loves to be outside, swim and play with her 16 cousins. She also shares our love of travel. She starts Kindergarten August 12th.


School Story:

Mostly I remember working, doing gymnastics and doing just enough to graduate. Of course most of the fun was had hanging out with Tanya, Trish, Dina and Rachelle. I know better than to write down anything about what we did then, but I do remember and I'm sure they do to :)

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Posted: Mar 09, 2014 at 12:00 AM
Posted: Mar 09, 2014 at 12:00 AM
