In Memory

Kimberly Jividen

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07/20/11 11:09 AM #1    

Noell Goodrich (Goodworth)

Kim was one of my best friends and I will always be grateful for her many kindnesses.  She would do anything for anyone.  She was incredibly smart and had an amazing talent for music.  I always wanted to play the piano as well as she did!  We also spent many years clogging together.  That was actually where I first met her.  We toured Canada with our dance group and had a great time meeting people from all over the world.  

A week before she died, we had spent the week together on a cruise to Ensenada Mexico. This was her gift to me because I would be getting married two weeks after we returned home. We had a great time and shared many memories.  I will never forget driving through Los Angeles, CA in an old rental car trying to kill time before our flight left.  What a nightmare, but so exciting!

She passed away in a car accident on November 3, 1993 in Smithfield, UT.  She was on her way to teach a piano lesson when she passed a semi-truck clipping its front end as she pulled back into her lane.  This flipped her into oncoming traffic where she was hit and died instantly.  Every time I pass that spot, I remember and think about her.  She has been missed!

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