January 20, 2014. of Cape May NJ. Loving father of Cindy and Jesse.
Devoted son of Morris and the late Hinda May. Dear brother of Barbara Jo (Bobbie). Beloved companion of Wilma O'Brien. Also survived by his faithful companion, J.J.
Contributions in his memory may be made to a charity of the donor's choice .
Mark Grabfelder
Steve “Megs” Bregman was my best friend. I think a few other people would also say that about him. I went to Meyers Elementary while Megs attended the second best Elementary….Shoemaker. We first met at Ogontz (the best) Jr. High where we were not much more than acquaintances. However, I did attend his Bar Mitzvah. At CHS we went around in different crowds and had very little contact with each other. It wasn’t until a few years after CHS that our real friendship began. We were opposites. A self proclaimed “Foodie,” Megs was big and loud and boisterous; always jolly and funny as hell. At a moment’s notice he might burst out in song or break into his unique style of dance. Needless to say, that was not me. Over the next forty years we shared the milestones of adulthood — marriage, children, youth sports and annual traditions. He loved his children, loved his friends, and loved Cape May. He passed suddenly and unexpectedly in 2014. I and many others still sorely miss him.
Matthew Starobin (Starobin)
Mark, thanks for sharing those memories.
I knew Steve since Shoemaker. We never really hung out, but played ball, were in classes, played poker, shared other friends, same overnight camp, ran into each other at parties or bars, went to the racetrack, etc. etc. I only remember ALWAYS being happy to see him, and really enjoying his company.
I emailed those thoughts to him after the last reunion he attended, and his words back to me (worded so meaningfully) were exactly what I meant about him:
I'm grateful that we had that exchange. That's my lasting memory of Steve, and it's a good one for sure.
Sorry for your loss Mark, and for the loss to all his family and friends.
Best to all, looking forward to 2022.
Mark Grabfelder
Thanks Matt, nice to hear from you. I hope you are doing well. That was another talent Megs had, writing emails. He wrote just the way he talked......his writing had "voice."
Collegeville, PA
Frank Freudberg (Freudberg)
Mark: Eloquently stated sentiment. Take care.
Bob Deutsch
Hello Mark, It seems that you and your buddy Bregs shared an ability to "bring voice" to your writing. I knew and always enjoyed hanging out with Bregs playing High School soccer. He always made the tough times fun. Thank you for your beautiful comments about Bregs.
Mark Grabfelder
Hi Frank, you eggheads always did underestimate us jocks. (Ha Ha)
Frank, do you remember a night at your apartment when Megs was sitting in a big easy chair, wearing a confederate "Jonny Reb" hat, sipping brandy and telling stories? I think that's when I decided I like being around the guy. Take care.
Mark Grabfelder
Hi Bob, wow, you're a blast from the past. Hope all is well. I remember Steve telling me he was the enforcer on the CHS soccer team, like the Flyers Dave Schultz. Shall we say a little intimidation if the opposing team was doing too well?
Nice to hear form you.
Jeffrey "Jim" Dietz
This is my first post on the site. Mark, Frank, Bob.... your comments have gotten me going.
I got to know Steve really well when he and Michael Jordan became part of the crew for the landscaping business that Buzz and I started towards the end of high school. We had so much fun!
Two stories:
1. There was a big pile of peet moss that needed to be shoveled into our truck. It was towards the end of a hot, muggy summer day, and Steve just said "F it, I'm not doing it any more." Well, we began to negotiate about a variety of things and this was the final deal: a. I gave Steve $125. b. He gave his not quite running opel cadet plus six 714s. c. He had to finish helping me shovel the pile of peet moss.
2. I was 'destined" to go to med school and it was well known to Steve and Buzz that I was a bit queezy about it all. One day, we turning over some flower bed dirt with those sharp three prong , long handle,tiller things. We had just finished Macdonald burgers for lunch and just getting started to work again. I was in the back yard and Steve walked around from the front where he, Buzz and Mike were working. He was loudly screaming and holding his thigh, his pant leg covered with red as were the prongs of the hoe. Thinking he had stabbed himself, I (a budding physician) simply fainted. Well.... what really happened was that steve Mike and buzz had set it all up. They had used the left over ketchup from the macdonalds burgers to paint steve's pants and the hoe tips. I was never able to live that one down.
In truth, Steve was one of the kindest and most compassionate people that I feel blessed to have ever known.
Jim Dietz
Mitchell Fox
I knew Steve more from the "early days." I was with him from shoemaker all through cheltenham high. I cannot say I knew Steve well, like these other posts about him. It seems like I could have gained by knowing him better. I remember fondly all the football and baseball games (at ogontz field while we were still in elementary school) I was a part of with Steve ( and others at the time like my brother, like Steve lam and like doug feith. And others.) There were probably a lot of other paling around experiences that I forget now that involved Steve. Starting in ogontz junior high and then at cheltenham we grew apart, not for any negative reason just because that can happen. I am sorry I didn't know him better.
mitchell fox