In Memory

William Squires

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05/19/11 06:04 PM #1    

Edward Pavelick

We had a lot fun in Middle School. We worked together on a video about the south and it was a blast. Wish his family the best. Your friend Ed Pavelick.

07/26/11 07:34 AM #2    

Melisse "Lisi" Lewine (Boskovich)

I thought about Billy for years and years every time I passed his house going up Church Road.  He was quite unique and definitely memorable;  even from his earliest years....

05/13/12 10:45 PM #3    

Thomas Jackson

When I met Billy (in fourth grade), he immediately impressed me with his artistic aptitude. His favorite subjects were often ships or planes. We spent three weeks in art class trying to carve something out of soap and he quickly and methodically turned out one sculpture per week! Each wound up in the showcase.

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