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•   Linda Klumpp (Flack)  6/8
•   Lenore Ashler (Borowski)  5/23
•   Clifford Bolder  12/12
•   Ron Weber  7/21
•   Steve Steinberg  6/14
•   Robert Nitzberg  6/14
•   Chris Coupe (Lozinak)  1/31
•   Andrew Diamond (Diamond)  12/9
•   Diane Young (Fien)  10/1
•   Albert Barr  9/23
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Welcome to the pages for the Cheltenham High School Class of 1965 at Class Creator. This is an auxiliary site to our official website at

Please check for information about our reunion.

While some reunions have used Class Creator site for 100% of their on-line presence, our class will be using it as an auxiliary our official website. Our official website provides us with a customizable web site that allows more flexibility in presenting information and] better reflects our time at CHS better reflects our time at CHS.
First time visitors need to click on the "First Time Visitors" section of the above menu bar. Follow the instructions from there. You will be asked to find your name on the class list, and then register with this site. After you receive a confirmation e-mail you can revisit this site and fill in important intormation. There are two groups of information you will be asked to provide. One is the basic contact information that is so important for reunion planning and can only be seen by site administrators. The other is your profile that can, if you choose, be seen by classmates. Carefully read the privacy information when it is provided and choose what you are comfortable with. The Planning Committee is primarily interested in using this site as a convenient way for our classmates to provide and update contact information b
ut feel free to use any feature of the site including to include uploading photos from HS days. All notices related to the reunion will be posted at and it alone will be your primary source of reunion information

While we encourage classmates to register at the Class Creator webpages, it is by no means mandatory.

If you choose not to provide information on-line you can always e-mail us your information.
Click Here for the procedure.


As always, send any questions or comments to