Darlene Alberici cianci

Profile Updated: May 25, 2010
Class Year: 1971
Residing In: harleysville, PA USA
Spouse/Partner: david
Occupation: fitness instuctor
Children: David Cianci 8/11/01
Yes! Attending Reunion
School Story:

Vividly remember being afraid in 1st & 2nd grades to raise my hand to ask if I could use the bathroom .. I peed myself in my seat and then, proceeded to deny that I did it. The shame of walking home with a wet uniform for all to see ;-)
I remember the feeling of humiliation and crying as I stood next to my seat because my poetry homework wasn’t completely memorized.(..oh the terror) This particular teacher berated me by saying, “Why aren’t you a good student like your cousin = was for me ..” (Yes somewhat lacking in psychology, but at least I wasn’t threatened with the “ruler” for it ;-U
I also remember transcending bodily distress by not leaning back on my heels on the marbled floor of the church .. I offered my pain to God and thereby, hopefully opened the door to future sainthood for me. The nuns told us to “kneel up straight” when our bony knees hurt during practice for sacraments. I believed them when they said that sacrifice could help me to get into heaven + ..I remember trying to be a good soldier for the Lord in this way..

Current / Former street address In Yeadon

704 Bailey Rd.
