In Memory

Frederick "Flack"

Frederick Flack

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02/28/14 10:02 PM #1    

Pat Oliva (Montag)

This information is from Judith McPherson Kostecky.  Fred is a cousin of mine. Born Nov 18, 1946 in Butler. Son of Raymond Charles Flack and Aline R. Bulah Flack. Married Sandra Lee Schnitski Nov 18, 1983. Fred died May 3, 1985 and Sandra died Feb 8, 1985. I remember him passing a few months after Sandra. He was in the service and received the Conspicious Service Cross#11425 Nov 15, 1961. He was a Sgt. 33rd Machine Record Unit.  Thank you.


09/25/14 10:38 PM #2    

Marshall A. Miller

Fred was a classmate of mine at Bon Aire School from first grade on. We had lots of good times together when we were young,   I think the War probably got the best of him.  Rest in peace Fred.


09/27/14 06:23 PM #3    

Charles N. Furl

Fred was fun loving guy in highschool.  We had many good times.  I ran into him at the VA in the late 70s and got re aquainted with him. He had changed due to the war. He saw a lot of action and had some medical problems.  I Tried 2 help him but he was so sick.  Love the guy     Chick (Hilliard) Furl


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