In Memory

William M. "Hulton"

William M. Hulton

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11/15/13 11:42 AM #1    

Jack L. "Cicco"

Bill passed away 23 Nov 2011.

12/17/13 04:55 PM #2    

James W. "Oppenheimer"

Bill was a member of a small group of us guys who sort of marched to a different drum.  He had a way of seeing the humor in various things, but was very quick to cut through an issue to the matter at the heart of it. He was a kind and gentle soul who would never hurt anyone.  

After serving in the Army in Viet Nam, he brought the company dog home with him. 

It was hard to stay in touch after I moved out of the area, but we would always get together when I came back to Butler.  I live in Hyde Park, NY, and he enjoyed visiting and seeing the home of FDR, one of his idols.

A lifelong illness finally required him to get a liver transplant. Normally this is not a difficult procedure, but Bill never really stabilized.  I miss his perceptive take on affairs and his ready sense of humor. Perhaps he and Al are up there waiting for the rest of us to get there, and we'll have another round of tennis. Be gentle, guys! I'm wayyy out of practice.

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