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•   Scott Jones  1/25
•   Brad Jenson  8/12
•   Becky Christensen (Graves)  4/25
•   Nanette Frazier (Ault)  4/1
•   Tim Moran  2/25
•   RaLene Fox  2/14
•   Sherri Bushnell (Peterson)  2/13
•   Mike Mitchell  12/28
•   Phyllis Hale  11/12
•   Lisa Simmons  9/8
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Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 66.9%

A:   202   Joined
B:   100   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

Spanish Fork High School
Class of 1981


Missing Classmates


Ambrosia (Jill) Anderson
Christine Anderson
Steve Andrus
Todd Argyle
Jeff Atwood
Regina Bahe
Deanne Banks (Gordon)
Kamille Barney (Boothe)
Susan Barney (Haney)
Steve Baum
Mike Beardall
Patty Beardall (Dixon)
Brenda Bearnson (Fage)
Keith Bellows
John Bradford
Robert Buck
Corinne Burnham (Stephens)
Debbie Canto (Degn)
Bob Card
Wayne Card
Keith Carter
Craig Casimir
Paula Chacon (Garcia)
Calvin Christensen
David Christensen
Larry Christensen (Teacher, Computers, Math)
Ed Christianson
Matilda Claw
Jeff Davis
Marie Emerine (Okelberry)
Greg Farr
Todd Farr
Jerilyn Fillmore
Kaylyn Fillmore
Steven Frost
Dave Gallegos
Suzanne Gallegos (Ward)
Mike Gleave
Brenda Guymon (Monk)
Tracy Hammon (Pulsipher)
Jason Hanks
Keith Hanks
Pamela Harward
Geralyn Hazel (Harris)
Craig Hone
Teresa Hone
Boyd Hurst
John Jacobson
Diane Jarvis
Laurie Jarvis (Purkey)
David Jensen
Debbie Jensen
John Jensen
Jeff Jermain
Kevin Johnson
LeRoy Johnson
Scott Johnson
Lew Jones
Eric Jorgensen
Elmo Keck (Teacher)
Jari Laiho
Vicki Landon (Dudley)
Micheal Larsen
Tony Licon
Lynn Loftin
Cheryl Long (Byrnes)
Randy Maestas
Randy McKell
Tammy Moffitt (Beck)
Scott Moosman
Jerry Morrison
Connie Mortensen (Swenson)
Clint Muhlestein
Bruce Muncy
L. Shane Olsen
Mike Olson
Kay Pace (Mendenhall)
Frank Butch Padilla
Tami Parry (Anderson)
Brian Patch
Lorie Pritchett (Jones)
Dan Provost
Kelly Reimschiissel
Marta Rivera
Ruth Ann Robertson (Williams)
Jeff Romero
Donna Root
Mike Sanchez
Mike "Schultz" Scott
Dale Searle
Gina Shepherd
Renee Simkins
Daniel K. Smith
Eddie Sumsion
Melissa Thomas (Gren)
Brent Voorhees
Tim Walter
Amy Whearley (Freiburger)
Kevin Wiley
Scott Williams
Kim Wilson (Lloyd)
Brett Woodhouse
Vincent Woods
Christi Zeeman (Brighton)




PRIVACY NOTICE:  All contact information (address, phone number, e-mail address) entered into this website will be kept confidential.  It will not be shared or distributed.  Your contact information is private: your street address, e-mail address, and phone number cannot be seen by the classmates unless you grant permission on your Profile. When someone clicks on your name, the only contact information they will see is your city and state and whatever information about yourself you choose to put on your Profile. Unless you explicitly grant your permission, your email address is not visible, although an email can be sent to you using the contact box at the bottom of your Profile page.

Email notifications from this web site:  For those of you with spam blocking or email filtering capabilities, please add to your email account as a safe sender in order to receive email communication from this web site. We do not want to receive "bounce back" emails and don't want you to miss receiving emails from other classmates! :)

NOTE for Spanish Fork classmates using e-mail addresses: has decided that classmate communications from this website are SPAM.  If you only have as your primary e-mail contact, you may not be receiving notices from the website.  I recommend you get a secondary e-mail address (perhaps from and then if you want, you could set the account to forward to your e-mail address.  Your secondary e-mail address can be set up on the EDIT CONTACT INFO page.


Tom Mower  2/17
Darwin Koyle  2/21
Dave Nelson  2/21
Cindy Webb (Larsen)  2/24
RaLene Fox  3/1
Shawn Tadd  3/1
Ole Top Fisker  3/4

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