Adrienne Louise Dunn Nicolodemos, 25, of South Jordan, Utah, died November 30, 1996, of complications of pregnancy and childbirth.
Adrienne was born March 29, 1971 in Great Falls, Montana to Darrel L. and Suzanne Roberts Dunn. She married Tim Nicolodemos, son of Jim and Carol Nicolodemos, on June 21, 1994, in the Bahamas. She is a member of the LDS Church.
AD was educated in the Spanish Fork Schools and graduated from Spanish Fork High School in 1989, where she was active as a member of the Drill Team and as a Cheerleader. Adrienne then attended SUU and received a degree in Secondary Education in 1993. At SUU she met her future husband Tim. She was a Cheerleader at the university for four years. Adrienne then taught in the Nebo School District at the Spanish Fork Jr. High School for one year. After her marriage she transferred to the Jordan School District and was teaching at the Elk Ridge School at the time of her death. Adrienne will be missed tremendously by her students and fellow faculty both past and present.
Adrienne is a bright and cheery person and has made lives better from her presence and efforts. Adrienne's giving personality has led to countless acts of Christlike charity throughout her life, whether it be at the rest home in Cedar City or for her family. All were receipients of her kindness. Her ultimate act of love and giving came on November 30, 1996, at the birth of her and Tim's son, Nathan. Young Nathan lives today because of his mother's love and giving. "Greater love hath no man than to lay down his life for a friend." (John 15:13). Many lives have and will benefit by Adrienne's short stay here on earth.
Adrienne is survived by her husband Tim and son Nathan; Tim's brothers and sisters: Phil and Laurie, Lisa, Alan and Pam, Chris and Kendra Nicolodemos; her parents Darrel and Suzanne Dun of Spanish Fork; sisters: Rachel (Ron) Chatfield of Provo, Hillarie, Lyndsey and Alexandra; brothers: Nicholas (Angee) Dunn, Lincoln and Devin all of Spanish Fork; great-grandmothers Pearl W. Dunn and Louise Nordstrom both of Spanish Fork; grandparents James and Carolee Dunn and Jack and Mildred Roberts both of Spanish Fork. Also many aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews. She will be missed by all.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday, December 4, 1996 at 2 p.m. in the Spanish Fork South Stake Center, 870 East Canyon Road. Friends may call Tuesday evening from 6-8 p.m. at the Walker Mortuary of Spanish Fork, 187 South Main, or Wednesday one hour prior to services at the stake center. Burial will be in the Spanish Fork Cemetery.
Sherilyn Anderson (Woodhouse)
Adrienne may not have had the right shoes on most of the time, but she would still come around and be there when you needed her. She loved everyone, knew how to have fun, and made you laugh. Thanks for the momories & friendship. I miss you AD! Love You, BearlynStacy Weaver (Beck)
I can't help but smile every time I think of A.D. I think she was one of the most laid back, non-judgemental friends I've encountered. I have such fun memories of our sophomore year in cheer. That was really one of the funnest years ever!Jennie Creer (King)
When a friend of many years passes it is always a profound and significant feeling when you look back. I always loved Adrienne. She was my neighbor, friend, classmate. She died tragically and I have thought of her often over the years. I miss her and wish her family well. Jennie Creer-KingKeri Poch (Lawrence)
Adrienne was so much fun. Of course we all remember how beautiful she was. Despite that, she did not let it go to her head. She lived for a good time and a good laugh. I remember many "belly laughs" shared with A.D. and myself. We were probably obnoxious thinking back now on how goofy we were together, but we had fun. I miss her and wish she were still with us. I miss the laughs!Aimie Richards (Mattinson)
I can't think of Adrienne without smiling. I remember cruising around in her VW truck that always smelled like syrup, she would always wear her dress shoes to cheer leading practice, and she had the highest bangs we were so jealous of her perfect hair. I am so thankful to have had her in my life and what a great friendship we had until the very end. I love and miss you ADAimie
Cindy Reed (Bradford)
There is not a time that goes by, that I don't think about all the fun times we had. I have always felt that you were my sister I never had. We have been friends from elementry school all the way to college. I will always remember cruising in the grandma's big green car, and yes she was not the best driver. There are so many memeries, and that is what is so neat is that everyone has such fun memeries about her. Adrienne was always so happy and had something funny to say. She always had a nichname for people and those have still stuck with them. I am so thankful that I had so many fun years with her and all the memories. Love ya always. Cindy BradfordMonica Seitz (Beckstrom)
What a great friend! A.D. will always be remembered as a great friend. She really loved life and lived it to the fullest! We had a lot of fun times that will always be remembered. She made working at Kmart a fun experience.A.D. you will always be missed.
Monica Beckstrom
Michelle Ericksen (Chapman)
I remember AD would call working at K-mart working at the "mart." She made everything she did fun even working at k-mart. I loved going swinging on Thursday nights and going to Denny's after. Her bangs were awesome. She spent a lot of time perfecting them. She was such a good friend. I don't have a childhood memory without her in it. I remember sleeping at her house when we were in kindergarten. I miss her!!