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Sharon Swander Troxell

Sharon Swander
Residing In: Tiffin USA
Spouse/Partner: Ron Troxell
Occupation: Retired - Tiffin Developmental Center
Children: Kim 1965 Graduated from BG in1988; Graduated from Owens Technical with an R.N. degree. Annette born More…1968; Graduated from B.G. in 1990 with a teaching degree and soon received her MASTERS. Now teaching at Tiffin Columbian.
Full name:

Sharon Swander Troxell

Number of grandchildren?



Alyssa Nicole, born 1994; Logan, born 1998; Cierra born 2001.

Who was your favorite teacher, coach or staff person? What story about your life since Columbian would you want to tell him or her?

Miss Roland taught algebra at West Jr. High in the ninth grade. I learned alot from her.

Are you retired? If so when did you retire and what now occupies your time and energy?

I retired from Tiffin Developmental Center in OCTOBER OF 2005. I retired with 18yrs. of service.
