Linda Wagner

Profile Updated: September 4, 2016
Residing In: Springfield, VA USA
Occupation: Retired
Yes! Attending Reunion
Class graduation year?:



Graduated VCU '72. Career with federal government at DC headquarter in logistics with General Servies Administration policy but mostly (20 years) with Federal Aviation Administration for National Airspace modernization and launching environmental programs. Travel and Lakeland terriers (national and international roles) remain lifelong hobbies.

School Story:

How fortunate we were at TJ. Recall talent contests in the auditorium, but also guests such as anthropologist Richard Leakey - and (am I hallucinating?) Jimi Hendrix. Our senior trip to NYC, overnighting in Atlantic City and Principal Jordan, at our graduation, reading a thank you letter from the hotel manager on how well behaved we were - how embarassing! Our prom moved from the Washington Hilton to the Washingtonian Country Club in Shady Grove, Maryland - a million miles away back then - and band was the Left Banke. I hoped my Blades of Grass would have. And wasn't Joe Sofet (RIP) in the Classics, a band that won the 1967 WPGC battle of the bands at the Alexandria Roller Rink, starring the Doors and the Blades?

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Linda Wagner updated her profile. View.
Sep 04, 2016 at 9:11 AM
