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•   Coach Johnny Dunn  10/4
•   Michelle Willoughby (Willoughby) (1985)  2/13
•   Kevin Bean (1985)  6/21
•   Michael Paramore (1986)  12/28
•   Franklin Pasterczyk (1984)  12/23
•   Debbie Dunn (Howell) (1983)  10/18
•   DeeDee Smith (Lake) (1982)  9/20
•   Chuck Carter (1984)  7/26
•   Mona Sammons (Sullivan) (1984)  2/15
•   Durena Miller (Clark) (1984)  5/11
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•   Rhonda Grantham (Speigner) (1982)  9/18
•   Durena Miller (Clark) (1984)  9/18
•   Robin Peters (McLaney ) (1984)  9/20
•   Casey White (Lait) (1983)  10/13


Percentage of Joined Purple Cats: 28.4%
A:   50   Joined
B:   126   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

  to the Ariton High School Class's of 80-89 Reunion Website. Home of the Purple Cats!!!! Make sure to save us in your favorites/bookmarks so  you can come back quickly to check on updates later on. Take a moment to sign the guestbook at the bottom of the page,  get registered on the site, submit your profile, and bio info. Click on 80-89 Purple Cats, find and click on your name and follow the prompts. Don't forget to add pics!!! For teachers and staff click on the teachers and staff link and follow the prompts. 

Take a stroll and check out the site and please feel free to send comments and suggestions to us so that we can make it better. Just remember this site is still a work in progress. For any one who wants to help with getting more pics from any of the Ahians please click on the Contact us and send us an email. This site will be updateing on a weekly basis as we get more pics from all of you.  This site is not only for Purple Cats that graduated in these years, but for anyone that went to school at Ariton and would like to keep in contact with classmates. All you have to do is click on the contact us tab and send us an email and we will add you as a guest.  If you who have email addresses from any Purple Cat, please feel free to contact them. The more classmates that we can find the better!!


Your Reunion Committee  

                                                 IN MEMORY

Please take a few minutes to visit the "In Memory" section.  It would be great if you could add any personal stories about our classmates who have passed away.  

 Our lives in the 80's vs. our lives now..

Sociology exam – Prostate exam.
Going to sleep at 4 a.m. – Waking up at 4 a.m.
Keg parties – Tupperware parties.
Long hair – No hair.
Hot babes – Hot flashes.
Hours of enjoyment with a $4 Fris­bee – Hours of frustration with a $900 set of golf clubs.
Progressive politics – Progressive bifocals.
Getting high – Getting high blood pressure.
Beer kegs that flowed to the max – Bladders in desperate need of FLO­MAX.
Lying to our parents about what we did in high school – Lying to our children about what we did in high school.
Starting Saturday night at 10 p.m. – Concluding Saturday night at 10 p.m.
Studying ancient history – Remem­bering ancient history.
Thinking people in their 30s were old timers – Thinking people in their 30s are young pups.
Hundreds of vinyl albums stored in a heavy wooden crate – Hundreds of digital albums stored in a 2-ounce iPod.
Hoping we wouldn’t have to move back in with our parents – Hoping our kids won’t move back in with us.
Wishing our parents would leave us alone – Wishing our kids would call once in a while.
Deciding where to live – Deciding where to be buried.
Trying to discover the meaning of life – Trying to discover the meaning of death.
Focused on finding happiness – Re­alizing happiness comes when we stop focusing on it.
Now that the Classes of 81-85 ac­quired age and guile, we, too, under­stand that the experience gained during the past  decades far out­weighs youth, innocence, and especial­ly those hideous 1980s-style haircuts.
Which brings us to our final comparison: Thinking people in their 50s were ancient fossils – Knowing people in their 50s are just hitting their prime.
Well, at least that’s our story and we’re sticking to it.

"Our Friends Are A Very Important Part Of Our Lives. Treasure The Tears, Treasure The Laughter, But Most Importantly, Treasure The Memories."