Ann Thomas (Teacher)

Profile Updated: February 4, 2010
Residing In: Arlington, TX USA
Spouse/Partner: John Mack Thomas
Occupation: Retired Teacher---Current Martin Subsitute Teacher
Children: Lisa Thomas, age 42---currently single---two children (Susie, age 9, and Jess, age 3)----no longer a More…Dallas Disc Jockey (she was one of the thousands who got the Clear Channel Ax in January of 2008))---is now working in the marketing department of a Tarrant County Nursing/Retirement Home Company and loving every minute of it! She is thinking about getting back in the dating game...if she can figure out how to make better choices the next time around!

Jenny Thomas. age 40---single---lives near Keller----working for a homebuilder H/DHomes (Do you know anyone who might want to purchase a new home in the Keller area?) Jenny also works part-time for Hawk Security so if you need an alarm system or a new home, get in touch with me! She is still single---gosh, two daughters single---see me if you know of any good men available in that age group (40's)
Yes! Attending Reunion
Attending Reunion



I retired in 2001---big mistake! I currently substitute several days a week. Unless you are currently in the field of education on the secondary level, you guys probably have no idea of how high school has changed. Just come walk the halls of Martin...believe me, kids today are not the same! (I sound like my parents and grandparents, don't I? "You kids today....")

I love my two grandchildren, Susie and Jess. Susie is smart as a whip, especially in verbal skills; of course, I do what I can to increase her vocabulary (yes, we have vocabulary words...old habits just won't age 4 I taught her the word facetious!) and try to enhance her love of literature and movies! (We just saw Avatar together.) She has such a huge heart, is a lover of all people and cultures/lifestyles, and is growing up to accept everyone as equal. (I clearly am passing on my democratic, liberal philosophy to my granddaughter.) I absolutely love spending time with this angel! Oh, and she thinks Jay Gilliam is really hot...she's been out to dinner with us several times...and always asks me how Jay is doing!

Jess is a different story. What a difference there is in little boys and girls! We call Jess "The Destroyer," and he lives up to his nickname. He is just gettting into the Super Heroes thing.....I am having to learn about these subjects. The other day he had to go to time out at Pre-School because he was The Wolverine, practicing his hand thrust....and "accidentally" shoved his hand into the face of another little boy....or so goes his story. He is quite musical with lots of rhythm, loves to dance, sing, and play his guitar...he prefers heavy metal.

This little guy is such a joy and a real miracle! Some of you know that Jess was born with a fist-sized brain tumor that prevented neuron connection in that part of the brain...and we were told that he would be blind, possibly deaf, walk with a lumbering gait (if at all), have severe epilepsy possibly requiring brain surgery...and due to the cortical dysplasia (which is irreversible), his hands would remain in a crossed position against his chest all his life, with his never being able to open his fists or use his hands/arms...all this in addition to severe brain damage! Lisa learned about the tumor in the 6th month of her pregnancy, with each month that followed revealing some other devastating fact. After deciding to continue the pregnancy rather than face a late term abortion of a 8 lb. pound baby, Lisa lived for 2 months in the NICU unit of Presbyterian Hospital...and guess what? At about the 4th month, those little fists opened up, the arms unfolded, and the tumor began to shrink. (It is now almost gone and should not require surgery.) There has been no epilepsy, no deafness, and no blindness (although peripheral blindness may exist)---talk about being excited that he can be the Wolverine and have the physical ability to actually thrust that fist into someone's face (yes, I know to actually thrust" is a split infinitive!) About the brain damage, we just don't know at this point (3 years). It has been described to us like a bowl of jello with a large rock thrown into it---a fist-sized tumor in his brain during the Lisa's entire pregnancy, shoving around the brain from back to front, from side to one time, they thought he had 3 tumors, not realizing that it was so large, it was squashing the tiny brain like a rock in jello and moving all over his brain. All his docs will say is that this is worse than "Shaken-Baby Syndrome." All I know is that Jess seems perfectly normal to me----knows colors, can count to 20, has a good vocabulary....but his many doctors say the brain damage can show up later on as he develops your prayers and/or positive thoughts are requested for our Jess. We are keeping the faith. God may have something in store for our little Wolverine! Look at the miracles that have occurred thus far.

My husband John Mack is well and enjoying retirement. He was in 7th Heaven this fall when his beloved Horned Frogs went to the bowl may remember that he played football for the Frogs back in the late 50's.

Well, I need to quit rambling on...I am sure those of you who had me remember this habit----do you remember how you always tried to get me to "tell another story" so class could be delayed? (Yes, I knew what you were doing!)

I miss all of you...more than you could possibly know. My life would not have been the same without you...and I think of you all the time. You provided real purpose in my life, and I don't think I ever pulled into the parking lot and walked into the building of any school where I taught without joy in my heart. And, as a sideline, you provided me with wonderful stories to tell all that I meet!

School Story:

1) The etiquette lessons---and how you loved the "dating" parts of the unit...helping a girl in and out of the car, meeting her parents, learning how to refuse a kiss kindly and gently....but keep the door open for a future opportunity?
2) The Toga Party...I believe we called it a "bacchanal," one of our vocabulary words. I was always afraid some teacher would complain about the use of this word, which means an orgy!
3. The myth video/the Academy Award Ceremony? Who won Best Picture in your class?
4. Queen Ann knighting her students..."In the name of God, King Arthur, and St. George, I do dub thee Sir Bennett of the House of Mitchell"?
5. Wearing the Birthday Princess crown for your 15th birthday?
6. The Watership Down bunnies that lived on my blackboard....and the kidnapping activities that went on for years? (I WAS doing this when I had you, wasn't I, or did this come the next year?) Every spring when the primroses come out (I doubt you remember the first line of the book?), I fondly think of this book and all of you...and yes, Big Wig still lives in my heart.
7. The dreaded LAW book?
8. The many, many compositions that all of you so loved to write each 6-weeks? I truly hope they weren't all in vain and that some of you have used these writing skills later on in your lives.
9. The beloved grammar packets ("Everything You Wanted To Know About Verbs/Adjectives, Nouns, etc. but Couldn't Ask"? Did you ever realize this was a take-off of the highly popular book in the 60's "Everything You Wanted To know About Sex but Couldn't Ask"?
10. Ethan Frome----how much I loved this book and how much you hated it? You should go back now and reread it...and let me know if you view it differently...or not.
11. Bradbury's short story "The Whole Town's Sleeping" about Lavinia, the girl running through the ravine and over the bridge to her house, running from the killer only to discover that he was never chasing her but instead was in the house waiting for her return? It was the only time in my entire teaching career where I knew I had your undivided attention for a good half hour!
12. To Kill a Mockingbird (sorry, I can't figure out how to italicize a title on this website) and the Civil Rights unit we did along with it? I loved this unit because I was a part of that time period...but I was never sure if it touched any of it or not.
13. When I used to recite "The Canterbury Tales" to you in Old English? This was the only thing I remember from senior English in high school back in 1960.
14. When Mike McGettrick told Clinton Matsler (or was it vice versa) "O.K., O.K, I really do love you, Clinton," my attempt to try to get you guys to realize that it's o.k. to say you love another person, be he male or female. ..and how all the girls melted when he said this...hopefully, you learned a lesson about women from this.
15. The movie star pictures above the blackboard? Remember the Patrick Swayze one..."To Mrs. T---who taught me how to dirty dance"---I hope I'm not bursting your bubbles, but they were all signed by former students of mine....some of you probably came by and helped sign the new ones. Confession Time: I didn't really choreograph the dance scenes from "Dirty Dancing," complete with my getting down on the floor with Patrick to perform the "on-the-floor-in-the-cabin dance to "Baby, O-O-O, My Sweet Baby!"...but did any of you ever believe it?'' Of course, you were such young and innocent 14 year olds.
16. "Free Crumby"?
17. The poster boards on my walls with all your school pictures on them----I've told my daughters that when I die, I want these poster boards on display at my funeral so you can all laugh over them.
18. How you detested the analogies on our weekly vocabulary units?
19. Those of you who were selected by God to see the Holy Grail, the most pure of all the knights? Do you remember who was chosen and who got to sit in the Sir Galahad seat? (Or did I start doing this after I had you all?)
20. The last day of school when so many of you came to my room to help me clean out my things and get them to the car? This made me cry...I was so tired and facing such a difficult (emotionally and physically) chore...and then in you all walked..and worked for hours boxing things up, cleaning out my files, etc. When I tell teachers about this, they are so envious...not sure who planned this, but I think it was Chris Coffman.
21. The constant coming by my room on my last day of classes with so many wonderful memories of the fun things we did? I loved the visit by Atticus Finch, the life-size rabbit from Watership Down, the Birthday Princess Crown for me, the "Hear Ye" plaque proclaiming me "Forever Young," etc. I can't remember exactly who all came by---I remember Chris Coffman and Chris Dunning and maybe Kien Tran or Kerry Murphy....wish my memory were better. I have one---and only one---display shelf of school-related memories in my house...and I keep on it all of these memories from that day.
22. God bless all of you for enriching my life!

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