Sherry Neeley McDavid

Profile Updated: January 24, 2014
Sherry Neeley
Residing In: Grayson, KY USA
Spouse/Partner: Barrett (Barry)
Occupation: Human Resource Manager
Children: one furry faced Border Collie (Sophie)
Sherry Neeley


Yes! Attending Reunion
Email Address


Looking forward to seeing everone!

Since high school, I've moved around a little. Lived in South Florida for awhile (Pompano Beach/Ft. Lauderdale area) Lexington, Charleston, & Cincinnati where I worked for a division of Delta Airlines (Comair). Settled back in the area (Grayson, KY) about 12 years ago & I am a Human Resources Manager for AT&T.

Married the love of my life (Barrett) almost 8 years ago. We love to travel every chance we get.

2014 & 2009 Question - School Story:

Every morning in homeroom (Ms. Lovett) Muth and Moyer would come in and sing to her..."There she is....Ms. Homeroom of America"

Remember the one pep rally in the gymnasium (or it was when they were running for class president) where I think Brian Korros was at the podium and someone threw a paper airplane and hit him right in the head? (Curnutte was that you?) Got in BIG trouble with Coach Conley :-)

Sue Worland and Lisa Hall trying to teach me (unsuccessfully) how to smoke cigarettes. (bad influences LOL)
Southside Pool....Cruising McDonalds and the BG with Jill, Jeanette and Melanie...When it was my turn to sit upfront - Jill would pull up beside the creepy guys (on my side of course), roll down the automatic window on my side and lock it so I couldn't roll it back up. Chaos would ensue.

2009 Question - What clubs were you in during high school?

I didn't behave well in Music Appreciation so Daddy Doss wouldn't let me in choir

2009 Question - Who was your favorite teacher?

Mr. Traybandt & Suzie Daniels

2009 Question - What was your first car?

Mom's Chevy Impala! Great for cruisin with the gang LOL

2009 Question - What did you think you would be doing after high school?


2009 Question - How/where did you meet your spouse/partner?

We met at work (AT&T)

2009 Question - How often do you get back to Ashland?

Live close by in Grayson

2009 Question - What was your favorite song?

Anything by Journey or Heart

2009 Question - What is your favorite song now?

Still like the 70's and 80's music best

2009 Question - What is the farthest place you've traveled?

Dominican Republic (Punta Cana) & Hawaii

2009 Question - What is the best concert you've ever seen?

In high school it was Heart / Firefall / Bread (yep!)
Since then.... probably Billy Joel, Eagles, or Areosmith.

Saw Ringo Starr & the All Star band with Scott Martin - loved it. Elton John, oooh and Barry Manilow! LOL
Totally different I know... but they were all good! Going to see the Eagles again in March! :-)

2009 Question - What is the most unique place you have lived?

Pompano Beach...not unique really but fun...

2009 Question - What is on your "bucket list"?

White water rafting!! That's next on my list.
My Mother still thinks she can tell me that I'm not allowed to do that (too dangerous LOL)

Let's get a group together and go!!

2009 Question - What music do you want played at your funeral?


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Jun 12, 2014 at 9:47 PM

Posted on: Jun 03, 2014 at 3:46 PM

CHIPPER ALAN! :-) You and Molly coming?? Hope to see you both there

Jan 24, 2014 at 9:54 AM