Craig Smith

Profile Updated: March 7, 2009
Residing In: Ashland, KY USA
Spouse/Partner: Anita Mulholland Smith
Occupation: Atkins Hardware inc.
Children: Kaycee "the garage cat"
Email Address

2014 & 2009 Question - School Story:

A certain night, while parked behind AAA, some girls came to me and wanted me to take them a ride in the El Camino! Elated by the request, I said "let's go" and several piled in to the bed of my truck! Many cheerleaders, some not(you know who you were!) Billy henderson said he wanted to go and another "girl" sat between Billy and I, and we took off. The girls in the back telling me where to drive to. We made a stop at Super Value at Midtown shopping center, and everyone was ready to go again. The girls in the back told me where to go, turn here , turn there , next slow down....... I hear splat, splat, splat ,splat, then GO, GO, GO! So I speed away! We get back to AAA and we have to lift Johnson out of the bed, the rest pile out!
Next day at school I get called to Reidel's office, from class, third degree about what I did saturday night! He says he is going to kick certain cheerleaders off the squad for what happened! Told him he couldn't do that because it wasn't a school function or on school property. He just said " Don't get smart Smitty"( don't know why he called me that!) Anyway nobody got in trouble, even though they questioned most of us! Was afraid Billy would crack, but guess he didn't!
Found out that I helped 'em egg Angie Cumbos house! Sorry Angie, no hard feelings?

2009 Question - What clubs were you in during high school?

RO club

2009 Question - Who was your favorite teacher?

Doug Rigsby, you could get him off on a tangeant very easily, made it interesting! Ron Trabandt, made you part of that history!

2009 Question - What was your first car?

1971 Datsun pickup truck, 4-speed, remember? Rick Riffe?

2009 Question - What did you think you would be doing after high school?

Working at the hardware store! Unless going to college!

2009 Question - How/where did you meet your spouse/partner?

I was attending A.C.C. and decided it was time to quit sitting on the porch, drinking beer, and get out there and date someone. There was a girl that I thought was interested in me, was always smiling, polite, and good looking(a must) that asked me to go bowling during 4th period. I said, see you there! When I got there she was with some other guy! I was dissappointed but stayed and bowled for a while! Soon Anita walked in and I was elated that another good looking girl finaly showed up! Her friend, Kathy, introduced us, although we needed no introduction, since I made sure my homework done by Susan Webb was correct by checking it against Anita Mulholland's work! I asked her to come see me at work sometime, she showed up the same day, I asked her that night! We doubled dated with the girl I intended to ask out, and her boyfreind that night! The rest is history!

2009 Question - How often do you get back to Ashland?

never left! Except to graduate E.K.U. with a B.B.A. in '83

2009 Question - What was your favorite song?

Life's been good to me so far!

2009 Question - What is the farthest place you've traveled?

Alaska, best vacation I have ever had! Start drinking at 7:00 a.m. and don't stop until 2:00a.m. the next morning if I want to! Didn't have to drive anywhere, anytime! The scenery was even more intoxicating!

2009 Question - What is the best concert you've ever seen?

Peter Frampton Comes Alive in Charleston WVA, sorry Darla! Wished it had been with you instead of Jeannie!

2009 Question - What is the most unique place you have lived?

E.K.U. Keene Hall, Richmond, KY

2009 Question - What would we be surprised to know about you?

Keep watching!

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Craig Smith posted a message.
Sep 04, 2014 at 7:08 PM

please give me a call....!(606)931-0741

Jun 12, 2014 at 10:11 PM

Tried calling you a while back, sorry I did'nt get you, glad to see the site up and running. Looking forward to the reunion and golf scramble! Come see me or call the farm....606-931-0741 or the store 606-329-1414. Really miss our fridays out!!!!!

Craig Smith added a comment on Profile.
Jun 12, 2014 at 9:47 PM
Craig Smith added a comment on Profile. New comment added.
Jun 12, 2014 at 9:33 PM

Posted on: Jun 12, 2014 at 9:33 PM

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Posted: Mar 09, 2014 at 12:00 AM
RO Club all the way! I loved the club,however, didn't get to go on many "retreats"! And wish I still had this car!
Posted: Mar 09, 2014 at 12:00 AM
Had to dig a while to find this one!
Posted: Mar 09, 2014 at 12:00 AM
Anyone remember this girl from senior prom?......My sister Jonda! She had cut the tendon in her middle finger the day before prom!
Posted: Mar 09, 2014 at 12:00 AM
Anybody recignize these two (giddy) lovebirds? They,re still together! Picture taken at post prom pool party at my house!
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:14 AM