Deborah Wolf Malley

Profile Updated: November 3, 2008
Residing In: Cranberry Township, PA USA
Spouse/Partner: Dennis
Children: None yet. But our black lab, Java, is substituting for now.....

Yes! Attending Reunion

My life story has evolved in the last nine months in a direction I never saw coming. Here it is class of 1991:

In a nutshell, I took a leave of absence from my corporate career life at the end of October 2007 and abruptly assumed the role of primary caregiver for my father. Dad died May 6th, 2008 from lung and brain cancer. Being with him during that time is the most significant thing I have ever done in my life. The lessons learned far exceed any lessons I've learned in my career in corporate America or during my college days. Heavy stuff, I know, but so true.....

Here are the nuts and bolts though:

Undergraduate degree (BS) from IUP obtained May 1995.

MBA obtained from Duquesne University August 2001.

Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship Certification, January 2003.

School Story:

I'm not sure I can post these without permission from some of you who may be included in the memories. Here's a good one though:

Girls night out with Teresa Ondovcik, Jo Crapis, Melissa Kephart and I think Jill Stolz. On the way home from our adventures, somehow Teresa ended up driving my trusty old Dodge Omni. (Ah, the one that required a quart of oil every few days...). Anyway, getting onto the ramp for 279 was no problem. No traffic, beautiful night.......but it was a shock to realize we were going the WRONG WAY on 279 north. We realized this about the time two vehicles were approaching us full speed. Perhaps my memory is adding dramatic effect, but I recall one of the oncomers being an 18-wheeler. Teresa held her cool as she always did, and still does, and made a stunning u-turn in the time we all held our breath.

Deborah's Latest Interactions

Dec 16, 2023 at 4:33 AM
Dec 16, 2022 at 4:33 AM
Dec 16, 2021 at 4:33 AM
Dec 16, 2020 at 4:33 AM
Dec 16, 2019 at 4:34 AM
Dec 16, 2018 at 4:33 AM
Dec 16, 2017 at 4:33 AM
Dec 16, 2015 at 4:33 AM
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 11:44 PM