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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 48.9%

A:   208   Joined
B:   217   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


•   Martin Fish  2023
•   Evelynn Leyrer (Smith)  2020
•   Gary Williams  2022
•   Marcia Bettencourt (Chambers)  2022
•   Allan Long  2022
•   Jerry Schiffman  2021
•   Kendrick(Brian) Petty  2020
•   Francine White (Marchant)  2021
•   Elizabeth Rowe (Burke)  2021
•   Sue Bartlett (Coats)  2019
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Carlmont High School
Class Of 1960





Carlmont High School Class Of 1960

If you are a Carlmont Alumni of the Class of 1960 who has just found this site you can join us by clicking on the "Contact Us" menu at the left side of the Home page.  We will respond ASAP with instructions but we may need to confirm you identity first.

If you are already signed on but are having trouble with the site or signing on use the same method to Contact Us as described above. We can not recover your pass word but the Administrator can issue you a new one.

This web site subscription has been extended until Feb. 2024.  So check it regularly and update your profile regularly so we can keep track of where you are and what is going on in your life. Who knows where we will all be when another reunion is planned but it will help us contact you if you keep us up to date on any email address changes and you address and phone.