In Memory

Paul Seibold

Paul Seibold

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06/27/11 06:53 AM #1    

Jerry Ford

The death of a friend occupies only a single moment in time, yet a life lived with purpose may engender beautiful memories from which others might benefit over time.  Paul definitely lived his life with purpose and passion – he had an intense love of life and didn’t take anything for granted.  Spending time with Paul was like stepping through a looking glass – everything looked different. He introduced me to the nuances of rhythm and blues and jazz, the Chicago blues sound, industrial strength chilli peppers, Jewish pastries, the inherent beauty of the Dirac equation, good books, and to his expansive network of friends. He was a passport to fun and laughter.  Everyone loved Paul. He had an amazing energy and a boundless curiosity about the social and material world.  He asked great questions and often exhibited elucidating insight and humour in the most unexpected situations.  Needless to say, Paul expected those around him to share in his exploits and curiosities with equal enthusiasm and commitment.   

I miss Paul's wit, his bright and confiding manner, his generosity, his intellectual and social curiosities, his finely attuned consciousness, his great smile and laughter, the tone of his voice, and his intense love of life.

It is difficult to think about a good friend in the past tense, yet the memories I have of Paul will sustain his presence.


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