Carlmont High School
Class Of 1961 |
Carlmont High Scots
Class Of 1961
Our class of 1961 is planning a no-host get together on Saturday, October 12, 2024 starting at 5:00 P.M. The Party will take place at Harry's Hoffbrau in Redwood City. We hope to see you there so we can reminisce about the "good old days". Assuming, of course, that we can remember them.
If you are a classmate who has just found this site you can "sign on" by going to the menu on the left and click on "Classmate Profile". Locate your name on the classmate list and click on it. You'll be asked to enter your e-mail address and create a password of your choosing. Next, if you desire, fill out your profile. If you have a problem, click on "Contact us" or email me at I can also be reached at 916-918-2161 Finally, this site is absolutely free. It costs nothing to join. Originally, its purpose was to inform our clasmates of the reunion. Now, we're broadening its scope to not only inform you of upcoming events, but most imporantly, to give you a vehicle to maintain contact with old friends and classmates.
Our site also has a Photo Gallery, which in my humble opinion is the best of all Carlmont classes. Many of you have tremendous photographic skills and you have made our site into what it is. If you are new to the site, or didn't go to the reunion, please check out our gallery. Of course, if you were at the reunion, you'll definitely want to see all the photos.
Photo Gallery
If you took pictures at the reunion and want to include them in our photo gallery, you have 3 options. The first is to put them in the gallery yourself. Some of you have great computer skills, others, like me, don't. The second option is to mail the pictures to me and I'll scan and upload them to the photo gallery. I'll return them immediately. My address is7139 Lost Lake Lane, Roseville Ca. 95747. The third option, if you took digital pictures, is to go a local pharmacy and have them put your photos on a disk and send the disk to me. We'll upload your photos to the gallery.
Our Site's Future
Many of you have expressed a strong interest in keeping this site up and we're going to do just that. Pam Grant, our class treasurer, has informed me that there will be some money available for the site after she makes the final tally. Hopefully, for the next couple of years, we will be able to maintain this site through the reunion surplus. When we run out of reunion funds, I'll email you asking for donations. I think we'll have one to three years before I send the "we need help" email. We've had such a positive response to our site, that we're definitely going to maintain it until our next reunion, and hopefully, after that. I want to thank all of you for your participation and helpful comments; it's your site and all of you are responsible for its success.
Site Security
It is important for everyone to understand that unlike Facebook and some reunion sites, our site is private, as only members and screened guests can join. Everyone else is locked out. Our site is as secure as any site can possibly be. However, it is probably not a good idea to include your birthday in your personal profile as that's the kind of info a hacker can use against you.
Welcome Class of 1960
We'd also like to invite anyone from the Class of 1960 to join our website. We went through Middle School and 3 years of High School with you and we have fond memories of the friendships that were established. Anyone who wants to join our site can e-mail me to be included on the guest list, which will allow you to log in. I've talked to Les Blum, who administers the class of 1960 website, and he said he'd happily add any Class of 61 names to their guestlist. Check out their website at or Google "Carlmont High Class of 1960" to find it. You'll be able to see what their class members have been doing for the past 50 years.