Chotiros Ruabruam Wang

Profile Updated: July 18, 2010
Residing In chevy chase, MD
Spouse/Partner James Wang
Occupation singer
Children Britney, born 2001
Brandon, born 2002
Yes! Attending Reunion
Attending Reunion



...:-)) just kidding-- I'm not a singer- I only sing to my kids and my dog BJ;-)
I have been a full time mom for 9 years now and wish to start teaching at a secondary school soon.

School Story

Ahh, how can I forget having detention for a quarter of a school year for pretending to be my best friend's mom on the phone (public phone in front of the gym) telling the nurse "I'll come pick her up" --or it could have been the time when I/we thought we were safe and the coast was clear once inside the Air Rights Building but to our surprise, a Mr. Williams intercepted me and my accomplices made us cross that unsafe East West Highway straight to Mr. Bishop's office., no, I'm sure it was all of the above AND because of the many- many forged doctors notes they discovered in my file. Oh well, it's funny now, but it wasn't funny sitting in front of Mr. Bishop-- forever!!