2009 Reunion Survey

Well, it's been a few months now since the big event. Many of you who attended might be thinking, Did that really happen? In fact it did and now that there has been some time to reflect, we wanted to get some feedback to help us plan the next event.

Please take a few minutes to answer the questions that follow so we can make the next reunion even better.

As an incentive for completing the survey we will draw one name at random from those who complete it to receive a free ticket to the next reunion. Note that you will have to provide your name as indicatd in the last question if you want to be eligible for the drawing.

You must be a member to submit this survey. If you are a member please log in first. You can't submit this form until you've logged in.

1)   If you did not attend the reunion, why not?

  The date did not work for me.
  The cost was too high.
  The location did not work for me.
2)   If you attended, what did you think of the food?

  The food was great.
  The food was not so great.
  I did not get a chance to try the food.
  Food? What food?
3)   If you attended, what did you think of the souvenirs (mug and program)?

  They were awesome.
  I could have done without the mug.
  I could have done without the program.
  I could have done without any souvenir.
  I never got my mug or program.
  Souvenirs? What souvenirs?

You can still order a mug or program using the Souvenir link.
4)   When would you like the next reunion to be held?

  In five years.
  In ten years.
  Don't care.
5)   Do you prefer a single class year reunion (1979 only) or a multi-class reunion (for example, classes 1978-1980)?

  1979 only.
  Multi-year reunion.
  Don't care.
6)   Do you want to invite teachers and administrators to the next reunion?

  Yes, invite teachers and administrators.
  No, don't invite teachers and administrators.
  Don't care.
7)   Do you prefer a public venue (like Woody's was after 10:00) or a private venue where we have greater control over the environment?

  Public venue.
  Private venue.
  Don't care.
8)   Do you have any suggestions for a future venue?

9)   What about this reunion would you do the same at a future reunion?

10)   What about this reunion would you do differently at a future reunion.

11)   Do you have any suggestions or comments on the website?

12)   Do you have any other suggestions or comments in general?

13)   Your name (optional)

This just allows us to followup if something is not clear and enters you into the drawing.
