35 Year Reunion Survey

Welcome to our 35 year reunion survey. We're looking to learn what kind of event you would be interested in attending. Please take a few minutes to help us plan the reunion you would like.

You must be a member to submit this survey. If you are a member please log in first. You can't submit this form until you've logged in.

1)   Are you interested in attending a 35 year reunion?

Yes No
2)   Would like the event to be exclusively for Class of 1979 or would you like us to include other classes?

  Class of 1979 only
  Classes of 1978-1980
  Classes of 1977-1981
  Any class
3)   Do you prefer a private location such as a rented hall or a public location, such as a bar?

  Private location
  Public location
  Hey, what about here:
4)   What time of year do you prefer for a reunion?

  Mid August
  Thanksgiving Friday
5)   Are you interested in helping plan and organize the reunion?

Yes No